Beautiful Slide Out Navigation Revised
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
After I got a lot of feedback for the Beautiful Slide Out Navigation, I had some new ideas for a similar horizontal navigation. Thanks a lot to everyone! Like Stefan […]
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
After I got a lot of feedback for the Beautiful Slide Out Navigation, I had some new ideas for a similar horizontal navigation. Thanks a lot to everyone! Like Stefan […]
In Playground, by chadking
I was wondering how to get images from a site the same way like Digg or Facebook do, where it is only necessary to provide a link, and images get […]
In Playground, by Manoela Ilic
Our site was getting kind of slow, so I decided to read some articles about how to speed up a WordPress blog. While many give really great tips on what […]
In Playground, by cody
Ever missed the bookmarking option of a good editor in a web site? This jQuery plugin does exactly that: if you want your website visitors to be able to toggle […]
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
The other day I was creating an overlay with a box for Cody’s jTextTranslate jQuery Plugin and I thought, it could be useful to describe the technique in a tutorial. […]
In Playground, by chadking
My next Twitter API experiment: Get the theme’s colors from any Twitter account! With this PHP and jQuery code you can call the Twitter API and request the RGB color […]
In Playground, by chadking
Today I was playing around with the Twitter API and created this little “widget” using jQuery and PHP. I know, there are already plenty of them, but I wanted to […]
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
Today I want to show you how to create an amazing slide out menu or navigation for your website. The navigation will be almost hidden – the items only slide […]
In Playground, by cody
The double-click functionality in the New York Times was somehow fascinating but also highly discussed because it boldly used the browser functionality to get the definitions of words. Fortunately, the […]
In Articles, by Manoela Ilic
For our last post Cody asked me to create these two glossy icons for the jFeedback jQuery plugin. We thought, we could post the icons as well with the Photoshop […]
In Playground, by cody
Every web developer knows how difficult it can be to decide how to provide feedback to the user in form of an error or a success message. When submitting forms […]
In Playground, by cody
Here is a new plugin for creating nice sliding captions for images. When hovering over the image, the caption appears and the image gets a semi-transparent color overlay. You can […]
In Tutorials, by Manoela Ilic
In this tutorial I will show you how to create an overlay toolbar and navigation for an image. This type of technique can, for example, be applied in an image […]
In Playground, by cody
jPaginate is a jQuery pagination plugin that comes with a twist: animated page numbers. The user can slide through the available page numbers by clicking or just hovering over the […]
In Playground, by cody
jMaxInput allows you to limit the input size of a textarea like it is done in Twitter. The number of characters left to type are shown while typing. The user […]
In Playground, by chadking
Here’s an updated version of the Image Cropper. The upload button was replaced by an overlay on the image. There are also some extra functionalities :
In Playground, by cody
jStickyNote is a jQuery plugin that allows to create sticky notes on your web site. It is configurable and this is how you use it:
In Playground, by cody
jBar is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to integrate notifications in your web site. The behavior is very similar to Twitter’s and Stackoverflow’s notification messages. The plugin is configurable […]