A quick tip on how to create some simple timed notifications with CSS animations. The idea is to show a notification with a progress bar for a specific duration and then make it disappear.
A tutorial on how to create a 100% width and height smooth scrolling layout with CSS only. Using a radio button navigation and sibling combinators we will trigger transitions to the respective content panels, creating a “smooth scrolling” effect.
Basic design principles, like visual hierarchy, are very important in web design. Unfortunately, many of the new mobile apps are not designed with visual hierarchy in mind. Mobile (web) apps need an ordered and visually appealing design for a comfortable and enjoyable user experience.
We’ve all seen them, we’ve all navigated through them, we’ve all made those painful subscription choices, and we’ve all had some pretty bad experiences with them. But more and more sites and services are focussing attention on their subscription pages and discovering that a well-designed page is very important to new user sign ups.
“The Designer’s Web Handbook: What You Need to Know to Create for the Web” is a great guide for first-time and even more advanced web designers and developers.
In this tutorial we will create an image accordion that will expand an item on click. Using the sibling combinators and a nested structure we can control the opening of the items/slides with radio buttons.
A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.
A tutorial about how to create an overlay effect to show some more details of an item or image. The effect is CSS-only and uses a combination of the :checked pseudo-class with the sibling combinator.