From our sponsor: Agent.ai Builder is now open—no waitlist. Explore 12+ foundation models, no-code to full-code. Free!
Welcome to Day 11 of “Frontend Rewind 2023”!
Dive into the curated selection of today’s links and learning resources, and don’t miss the chance for an exclusive discount for an ultimate Framer course by legendary traf!
🌿 Fun fact: Saturnalia, the ancient Roman festival dedicated to Saturn, was a riotous celebration from December 17 to 23. The festivities included a public sacrifice, banquets, gift-giving, and a carnival-like atmosphere that turned societal norms upside down. Masters served their slaves, gambling was fair game, and a “King of the Saturnalia” presided over the merriment. The exchanged gifts were often playful, like gag gifts or small wax figurines known as sigillaria.
Community Discount: Framer Training

Learn to design and build modern websites with Framer Training, a comprehensive course offering tactical video lessons and curriculum modules covering core concepts, components, content systems, effects, motion, and more. Use codrops and get 50% off the course!

How to become a “Designer Who Codes”
Meagan Fisher writes about her journey to becoming a “Designer Who Codes,” or a designer with front-end development skills. She explains the benefits of learning to code and how it has improved their career.

Let’s Make a Rubber Button With HTML, CSS and SVG
Tyler Sticka shares the process of creating the rubber effect using SVG paths and CSS transitions, including accessibility and compatibility considerations.
Website Design: VRTL WRLD

UI Interaction & Animation: PayFlexi – SaaS landing page scroll interaction

Lightning CSS
Light Speed Lightning CSS is a blazingly fast Rust-based tool for minifying CSS, outperforming JavaScript-based alternatives by over 100x, ensuring efficient memory usage, and supporting modern CSS features while generating compact and optimized code.

Druzhok: Free Display Font
Druzhok is a free display font designed by Vlada Oleynik, featuring alternative characters and ligatures for flexibility in personal and commercial use.
Video: Create a Direction Aware Hover Effect Using CSS :has() Selector
Appreciate your time in today’s advent journey; looking forward to connecting again tomorrow! 👋🎄