From our partner: The AI visual builder for Next.js & Tailwind: Generate UI with AI. Customize it with a visual editor.
We usually don’t run giveaways at Codrops anymore but we thought that this one is a great opportunity to kick-start a wonderful new year for our readers. The amazing folks at MyThemeShop are offering some really amazing prizes including MyThemeShop Memberships and an 11-inch MacBook Air!
About MyThemeShop
When it comes to premium WordPress themes and plugins there’s lots of options to choose from. With their great support and high-quality WP themes and plugins, MyThemeShop really stands out from the rest: they don’t just offer a great variety of well coded, responsive and SEO friendly themes, but also all the info and tools for starting a WP powered site and growing it without being a code guru. They have great WordPress getting-started and advanced tutorials free for everyone to watch.
Like MyThemeShop on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latests updates on new themes and more.
The Prizes
Here are all the prizes you can win in this giveaway:
11-inch MacBook Air worth $899
- 1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor
- Turbo Boost up to 2.7GHz
- Intel HD Graphics 6000
- 4GB memory
- 128GB PCIe-based flash storage
Free shipping for international participants but please note that custom duties may apply in your country.
- 1 × Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year worth $439
- 2 × Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year worth $398 in total
- 5 × Premium WordPress themes worth $345 in total
- 5 × Premium WordPress plugins worth $195 in total
How To Enter
To enter this giveaway and have a chance to win, just do the following:
- Comment below and tell us why you should win the membership or MacBook Air and how it might help you with your project or work.
- Share this giveaway on a social network of your choice. You can also use these Twitter and Facebook share buttons:
Good luck to everyone!
This giveaway ended on January 10, 2016 at 16 p.m. GMT+0.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
- 11-inch MacBook Air:
- Extended Membership of MyThemeShop’s themes and plugins for one year:
- Normal Membership which includes all themes for one year:
- Premium WordPress themes:
- Premium WordPress plugins:
Congratulations everybody, we hope you enjoy your prize!
Thank you all for participating!
The MacBook Air Winner
Corentin Bontemps won the first prize, an 11-inch MacBook Air! Congratulations, Corentin, and thanks a lot for sending in your picture:
We hope you enjoy your MacBook Air and do many awesome things with it 🙂
Credits: Featured image made with Mahmoud Wally’s MacBook Mockups.
Because I Need one…
I would use this for my personal website!
I really think you should give me the Macbook Air because reasons. ????
C’mon, you know you want to????
Hi to everyone!
I’m studying like graphic designer and web developer and I’m trying to buy a MacBook Air because I need something portable to work when i’m out.
That’s a great opportunity to save some money!
Thanks for the chance
-Hopeful student-
Hi to everyone!
I’m studying like graphic designer and web developer and I’m trying to buy a MacBook Air because I need something portable to work when i’m out and that’s a great opportunity to save some money.
Thanks for the chance
-Hopeful student-
I’d use the MB Air for working on the road, as my MBP 2009 is kinda heavy and well it isn’t the fastest anymore 🙂
Because it is worth for winning.
I’d really benefit in my design and development work with the MacBook! I hope I win IA 🙂
it will be my first macbook laptop from apple, i relly enjoy thoese products and i really want one
I am at a point in my life and career that I am on the brink of leaving my job in the UK and moving my life and my family to the USA to work for a startup company full time. As a long time web developer one tool that i have never owned was an Apple Computer. Without this I have not been able to get myself into APP development because of this barrier and therefore given the opportunity to not only expand my skills, knowledge and experiences with the MacBook Air, but have the opportunity to grasp my potential new life in the USA with both hands.
I’m going to study graphic design and I really need a laptop to be able to work outside of home. This would really help cut costs.
I want to win macbook air. I’m using windows computers since 2002. I never ever touched any mac so please make an apple thing happen to a person 🙂
And If I won macbook air, I’ll develop my life’s first iOS app helping people finding routes through urban areas. and that app will be free ^_^
I’m having pain to start study the ios development due to lack of mac. I was planning to buy used one however the price isn’t only half different. Therefore I decided to saving up and now I came up with this article. If I won, I could start my ios development study. Now I’m trying to study Hybrid HTML5 mobile development for ios. Hope 2016 will be my lucky year 🙂
I have been a follower of codrops from the beginning and this is my weekly goto website for all the latest collectives. over the years I have learnt alot from codrops and don’t know where I would be without it.
I would love to win to have a more effective way to continue my freelance work. I write, edit, and do almost any kind of work I can get my hands on instead of “working for the man”. I’m unable to hold a typical nine to five because of crippling social anxiety that is triggered by one on one interactions on a regular basis. Being able to earn a living at home helps me to feel productive and worthwhile. It would mean the world to me to be able to continue to support myself without assistance, despite my anxiety.
I need a macbook for photo editing, and because i need a new computer.
Breaking the application boundaries on iOS devices has been my dream for quite a while now.
Unfortunately I have not been able to make my dream reality due to my financial situation – as I am a poor student who simple has not been able to afford a rather expensive MacBook.
The sweet nectar from the book of apples would enable me to work on some marvelous native and hybrid projects for iOS.
My one-room-school-related-apartment has served me and my users as a crafting area for various frontend projects as well as android projects. However – this is not where I want to end.
iOS shall be my next battlefield.
I beg you, help me on my quest and I will be your humble servant – for eternity and beyond.
Let me be victorious.
Open the gates to the garden of MacBook’s and honey. This is the only thing I will ask of you.
Because it smart and professional and i need
I would take and use it for my studies. And i like to Blog about my life (I don’t want to Share it)
i’m not a developer but a future engineer in Mechanical field, macbook air would be incredibly useful for me!
i love this powerful little machine, it’s so frigging light!
this prize is good for me. it will be the first apple laptop.I want to have him
I would use this so preciously. I have been needing one for a while now and this is the perfect computer for my school work! I would use this every day for school and it would be light and easier to carry around than my other one. I would greatly appreciate this if I won :).
I will use it for the further studying after my graduation at July from the Design Faculty at Magee Ulster University.
Winning a Macbook Air would really help me get back into music with great recording programs, as well as getting back into graphic design.
I like technology.
It’s a great chance to win either of membership or MacBook Air.
I would use it go grow my freelance business and provide more resources to front end developers like myself.
I’m a web application developer from Nepal and also do hybrid apps development. I also want to publish iOS apps for which I seriously need a mac. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
Never had the chance to try my designs on apple devices, so I want that macbook air
Your site is inspiring! I find myself coming back weekly just to play around with your demos. It was really my first introduction into what it means to create delightful experiences for the user.
I think I should win the Mac book air because I have a lot of projects for school and I have to go a lot to California to see my grandma because she has cancer and I could use a lap top to do my school work in the car or in the hotel so that is why I think I should win the Mac book air
we are Working on 3d printable handheld slitlamp for eye examination. Will benefit the community once its done. this laptop will be handy for not only this development, the themes will help us to develop a website for said purpose.
looking forward with fingers crossed
I’m designer and I’m working in Sahel region. A Mac would be much stronger for this work!!
I need Macbook because it’s lightweight and i can work everywhere with it. {hope}MacbookAir{/hope}
I would love to win the Macbook. It would make my life a whole lot easier running Laravel development a whole lot easier with the terminal commands. Windows is such a pain in the ass.
I’m a web developer and I could really use some quality hardware to get my stuff done on the run. I’m tired of Windows and its constant restarts and various bugs.
So inspiring website. Always good tips and tuto.
As a freelance webdevelper a macbook will really help to develop and test mac environment for my project.
I am an app developer but only have access to a Mac at work. So I’m entering this competition because I want one at home as well. 🙂 Plus, they look really nice.
I’m currently using a 2 year old Inspirion 15, and currently most of the functionality I need is highly lacking – My main uses today are Google Docs, Front End Development and Music Production, which aside from the universality of Google Docs, the PC lags behind and even incapacitates me on both other fronts. I’ve been hoping to purchase the Mac Air for sometime now and currently am planning on a purchase in Feburary which will probably set me back miles away since my financials aren’t fitting for this purchase currently- but truthfully, I can’t take it, I need a Mac 🙂
hi. My uncles birthday is coming up and he wants a macbook air. Im not trying to be sad and all but he has lung cancer. He is going through a lot. And IM NOT LYING that he has lung cancer if you dont belive me I will give you his number. He would use it for his work which is some editing company im not sure what its called but If you said the name it will ring a bell. SO since he mostly is in his living room and he has no computer and it might be nice for him to have a computer so he can email, do work from home, and well play some games! Come on its a new macbook air! But he wouldnt play all games he would do work on their especially. You know I really want this for him! He would really really appreciate it! And good luck to all im sure there are some really good reasons out there 🙂 Thank you!
thanks for the opportunity! this macbook would be perfect for me.
i’m a college student and i travel quite alot
thanks for the opportunity! this macbook would be perfect for me.
i’m a college student and i travel quite a lot
I would use this to support my volunteer work with the CMVA as a mechanical engineer!
Personally, I choose the MacBook Air because I am currently working with static website, vector/motion design on a windows platform PC (It’s handed from my family older generation). I know how to use WordPress, but it seems not necessary for me at the moment. I’m just turned 18, and I know deeply about HTML/CSS and basic HTML. Even though I already known the basic, I’m still trying to master Adobe design programs such as Photoshop, Lightrooom, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere, … and also programs from another company like Cinema 4D, Sony Vegas Pro, but lagging is considered the biggest problem to me. I’m used to a lot of coding programs, but now I choose Sublime Text. I really need the MacBook Air to comfortably finish my portfolio in order to get a college scholarship and go to study abroad.
i think i should win cause i have 3 kids and they always seem to need something so i am always last to get stuff i need or want . This would help me get so much work done cause my laptop is old and slow
I think I should with the Mac book air because I have a lot of school work and projects to do and I have to go to California a lot to see my grandma that is dying of cancer and the Mac would help me get my work done on the go.
Well, year after year my life spinning faster and faster. And now I have to work even when I’m on the road. So, MacBook Air will be a good helper for my daily work and for my volunteer work when I’m too far from my computer.
Hello, I am 18 old student from the Czech Republic and I would like to win the Macbook Air because nowadays I am learning front-end like for 4 years. All about UI/UX, graphic designing, cooperating with people and analyzing, what they even want on their website.
Macbook would be useful both by the school and by the profession sites. I think, with macbook I could be flexible more than I am now.
Plus I can work and study everywhere I want beacuse of it’s weight and really thin profile. I mean if I win it 😀
Thank you for your time and I am really sorry for my english typing… I am not a native speaker
Hi! I would LOVE a new macbook air! I’m a photographer and my windows is not that much of a help! Because when Im in the middle of writing and email it shuts down. (It’s charged and everything) and also when I’m putting in filters and changing backgrounds it loads and refreshes and glitches! A LOT of my co workers have macbook pros and airs and then theirs me with my windows! LOl! But they all told me I NEEDED to get one and I said If you’ll pay for it! Because there really expensive (Lets be honest!). But I would SO SO appreciate this and I really need this to make my life easier and It would make me a better photographer and make my photos look better and not just a plain filter! So Hopefully this macbook air will change my life and I would Be SO GRATEFUL! I would cry because my job depends on me having good photos! :(. So Thank you themeshop for hosting and having this WONDERFUL great opportunity! Its really nice of you! And good luck to all I hope you had a great new year!!!!
I’m a front-end developer and would love to dive into WordPress Development as it released wp-calypso and WP Rest API. It might be a membership would be an awesome way to kickstart my 2016. Macbook air would be nice too!