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Today we’d like to share some tooltip styles and effects with you. Tooltips are normally used for providing some kind of extra information and they can be found in almost every website. Those tiny little helpers offer a great opportunity to add some subtle and unique effects to any design. So today we want to show you some possibilities of showing those elements in style.
We only use CSS transitions via hover and also some SVGs to create unique shapes. Icons are from Font Awesome and the profile pictures are from the Random User Generator.
Please note that we use some modern CSS properties, like 3D transforms, which only work in modern browsers.
There seems to be an issue with using a percentage-based transform-origin value for SVG paths in Firefox. You might not be able to see the correct transform effect, so we recommend using Google Chrome to see all the examples working correctly.
Also note that animating the stroke-dasharray does not work in the IE < 11.
The examples are CSS-only using hover to show the tootlips, which is not a mobile solution. You would want to use some JavaScript for controlling the appearance on click, rather than hover in that case. A full-blown solution would also take the positioning of the tooltip into account so that they don’t appear off-screen. Some useful solutions are the following:
Let’s have a look at the “sharp” tooltip style. The markup is as follows:
<blockquote> <p>A man of my <span class="tooltip tooltip-turnright"><span class="tooltip-item">spiritual</span><span class="tooltip-content"><strong>[spir·it·u·al]</strong> affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things</span></span> intensity does not eat <span class="tooltip tooltip-turnleft"><span class="tooltip-item">corpses</span><span class="tooltip-content"><strong>[corpse]</strong> dead body, body, carcass, skeleton, remains, mortal remains, rotten bacon</span></span>.</p> <footer><span class="tooltip tooltip-turnright"><span class="tooltip-item">George Bernard Shaw</span><span class="tooltip-content"><strong>George Bernard Shaw</strong> (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics.</span></span></footer> </blockquote>
We have two tooltip variations: the one that turns the tip to the left and the one that has it turned to the right. For this example we will be using an SVG shape for the tip.
So, let’s have a look at the CSS:
@import url(,400); .tooltip { position: relative; z-index: 999; }
This is our trigger text:
.tooltip-item { font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; }
The content of the tooltip will have a matching border radius that fits with the sharp tip. We’ll position it absolutely right above the trigger item and then adjust the position with margins. While the width is fixed, the height will increase as needed. Initially, we’ll set it to be transparent.
.tooltip-content { position: absolute; bottom: 100%; left: 50%; z-index: 9999; margin: 0 0 105px -140px; padding: 25px; width: 280px; border-radius: 10px/50%; background: #fff; color: #dd5864; text-align: left; font-size: 16px; opacity: 0; cursor: default; transition: opacity 0.3s, transform 0.3s; pointer-events: none; }
Depending on the turn of the tip, we’ll set the according rotation of the content. We basically want the content to rotate along with the tip, creating an “opening” effect.
.tooltip-turnright .tooltip-content { transform: translate3d(0,50px,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,6deg); } .tooltip-turnleft .tooltip-content { transform: translate3d(0,50px,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,-6deg); }
On hover, we show the content:
.tooltip:hover .tooltip-content { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0,0,0); pointer-events: auto; }
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Now, let’s have a look at that tip. We’ll be using the ::after pseudo element to add the tip, which is a SVG:
.tooltip-content::after { position: absolute; top: 100%; width: 60px; height: 120px; background: url(../img/tooltip3.svg) no-repeat center center; background-size: 100%; content: ''; transition: transform 0.3s; transform-origin: 50% 0; }
Depending on how we want the tip to turn, we set the rotation. You’ll notice that we use scale3d(-1,1,1)
for the right turning tip. This is a way of “reflecting” or “mirroring” an element with CSS.
.tooltip-turnright .tooltip-content::after { left: 25%; transform: scale3d(-1,1,1) rotate3d(1,1,1,25deg) translate3d(0,-15px,0); } .tooltip-turnleft .tooltip-content::after { right: 25%; transform: rotate3d(1,1,1,25deg) translate3d(0,-15px,0); }
On hover, we reset the transforms to the final position:
.tooltip-turnright:hover .tooltip-content::after { transform: scale3d(-1,1,1) rotate3d(1,1,1,0) translate3d(0,-5px,0); } .tooltip-turnleft:hover .tooltip-content::after { transform: rotate3d(1,1,1,0) translate3d(0,-5px,0); }
And that all makes an exquisite tooltip with a unique shape.
We hope you enjoy these styles and get inspired 🙂
I look forward to these every week. As always, mind blown. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice / smooth / usefull ! Thanks for sharing / always exciting when i click to discover a new demo from codrops !
Thanks for the tutorial, these effects are very cool!
I like it! Especially Sharp and Bloated… Very nice Job!
It’s very nice i like it
Inspiring as always. I liked the cartoon & map variations
Will use it for sure 🙂
The coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. Thanks Mary!!!
Its awesome !! For sure it will be very useful in my upcoming projects.. Thanks..
Superb marry, i m really loving it.. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this. What are the browsers support?
Awesome! Thank you, Mary! =)
Absolutely amazing! Nice work, Mary!
what a great tooltips .. amazing !!
Always something special..
Amazing great tooltips , Nice Work
EXCELLENT article! This is one of the few sites that I look forward to getting updates from via email feed.
Then when I see it is Mary Lou’s work, know it is going to be informative.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It makes me look like a genius to my clients:)
very nice!!!!
Love your ideas Mary Lou, thank you! I’m totally inspired and going to use the “classic” with some small modifications.
Brilliant work here Mary Lou! I can’t wait to play around with these. Ideas are flowing like mad already.
Turned it into a WordPress shortcode and used one of them in a project I’m working on 🙂 Its great and inspiring, thank you
No words……… Superbbbbbbbbbbb Thanks Mary Lou
Thank you very much this is very useful
Each time I think I’ve seen it all, you amaze me, again…
Thanks for all of these, they’re awesome!
wow, really great, thank you very much!
Codrops never fails too inspire me
Love anything you dev! Thanks. You made my day!
Thaks.. very beautiful..this site is amazing
very beautiful^^
Inspiring tutorials as always. Keep it up!
Awesome, Very inspired (y) . Ms. Mary Lou, you’re amazing 🙂
Thank you very much this is very useful..
Hi, Thank you so much for this cool and inspiring tooltip.
I do have one simple Question?
+ How do i integrate this into my web-page , instead of building on the same page?
Thank you.
That is Awesome Thank you so much
I’ve just made a WordPress plugin out of this cool tooltip collection (not all tooltip types inlcuded, but a few ;D). So if any of you needs it for WP, here you go – thanks for this awesome tooltip styles, still using it by myself.
Have you tried Playful Little Tooltip Ideas. These tooltips are great. I just can’t seem to get them to run in wordpress. If you have any ideas, let me know.
beautifull styles, loved this tooltip
it is possible to put an iframe within a tooltip that?
Hey George, yeah you can put iframes into those tooltips, but be aware of the same origin policy.
nice tooltip examples.
Wow, thanks for the awesome tooltips cooltips!!! 🙂 Nice work.
Good, this is very useful
Thank you
Hi, thanks for this tutorial and source code. How to position tooltip below the item?
changebottom: 100%
totop: 100%
. Also, make sure you change the orientation of the tooltip’ arrow.hi, this is aswome every style of portfolio i was downloaded. you may be a perfectionicts.i am gelious of your work… thank you
Thank you
It’s aswomeI love it so much
Anybody please tell me, can I use these tooltips in wordpress website in team slider image to show text regarding each employee when hover on his/her image.
any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards.
I downloaded Tooltip Crazy free . There’s only effect the default layout and default settings. Is there a picture or video instruction? I would appreciate your help .
Thank you
Hi, firstly thank you Mary for this work. Very impressed with it. I wanted to see if i can use the curved tooltip for an upcoming event. The ground will have different booths and i want user to know what this booths are.
my question is, how to set the red circles to a fixed location. Left & Right to set to a precious location on the background image. (Like placed pins on google map.)
Any help would be appreciated.
You want to use Image Hotspots for this.
I use this site to generate them:
Read more about image hotspots ( and ) here:
That’s incredible Mary! Just fantastic!
Could you update your tooltip examples to be accessible by mouse users and by users who can only use a keyboard? These currently only appear on mouse hover. Thanks.