3D Grid Effect

In Playground, by Manoela Ilic

A proof-of-concept effect recreation of the animation seen in a prototype app by Marcus Eckert. The idea is to flip a grid item in 3D, expand it to fullscreen and reveal some associated content. We’ve created two demos with a vertical and a horizontal rotation.

Inspiration for Item Transitions

In Playground, by Manoela Ilic

Some inspiration and ideas for item transitions considering different scenarios and use cases, including a small component, a full-width image header and a product image with a transparent background. State transitions are done using CSS Animations.

Simple Stack Effects

In Playground, by Manoela Ilic

A set of simple stack effects for inspiration. The main idea is to have one item shown initially and then, on some trigger, more items are revealed as decoration. As seen in image grids or on scroll websites as creative effect.