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An interesting way to spice up a web design is to add some depth to it. Instead of making a design flat, certain elements and techniques can stimulate the depth perception of the visitor. Special cues tell us that certain objects are closer than others and we can put up a three-dimensional picture of our environment.
In the following we want to show you some great examples of depth in web design.
Wing Cheng
Tiny break: 📬 Want to stay up to date with frontend and trends in web design? Check out our Collective and stay in the loop.
Deisgn Kindle
Planeje sua carreira
Joyful Giftcard
Two Giraffes
Tahoe Tech Talk
Foundation Six Web Design Studio
Dig Downtown
Tim Palmer
Trevan Hetzel
Mike Dascola
Jack Herbert
Gardener & Marks
Dot Peak
Andrew Dotson
Dez Vila Aplina
Identity Withheld
Creative Criminals
Green Woods Country Club
Barber Shop Ann Arbor
Villager Restaurant & Catering
Andrey Fedorenko
Andrés Mauricio Castillo
James Good
Rob Across America
Heath Waller Web Design
Depth perception on Wikipedia
CSS Design Awards
Design Shack Gallery
CSS Elite
WOW! That’s really a cool collection you’ve gathered here, Mary Lou.
There are so many that I like a lot… can’t really pick a favorite, but Dot Peak with the ‘request a quote bean’ will rank high for sure. 🙂
Nice collection Marry Lou.
Its not a new design trend, but recently I have also seen lot of such designs coming in market… in templates market area too.
Thank you very much for featuring my portfolio (Identity Withheld) on your showcase. 😀
If I am to summarize this collection in one word, it’s “wicked”.
Awesome collection. Thanks.
I’m new to web design, please tell following: –
1. In 3rd (CupCup) Demo (http://www.wearecupcup.com/), with which stuff, the brown, pink & white strips are made?
2) In (Dinoyul) (http://dinoyul.co.cc/), with which stuff, the Check black & white sheet is made?
Very amazing examples. My top favorites here are Inspiredology, Creative Criminals, & Joyful Giftcard. Very nice post!
Nice list and thanks for including Design Kindle 🙂
You could probably add http://www.allmymacapps.net to this list too…
Awesome website with depht:
Thx for adding our site (joyfulgiftcard)
to this stunning list!
interesting and nice collection – gonna try to do better in my next webdesign 🙂
Wow impressive collection, thank you for putting it together
Its a nice list, thanks for sharing. Please find our site http://www.emmandenn.com/ we have also tried to bring some sort of depth to our website, by giving a art gallery feel. Please check it.
awesome collections…luv u mary again….