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Here is a jQuery example for a captcha in a registration form. In order to pass the “Are you human” test, the user has to drag the numbers from 1 to 6 into order.

Here you can download the source as a ZIP file: Captcha ZIP
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how well does it degrade?
Hi ellisgl, not good 🙂
I will soon post a new one that has support for users that don’t have JavaScript enabled.
yeah, and how well does it works when you have ur monitor turned off?
I like it,
I was wondering, would this really stop a bot from posting on your site? After all the bot wouldn’t even see the javascript it would just post directly to your server-side script.
Unless you somehow combine server-side functionality with the javascript this really just gives you a false sense of security.
Hi Evan,
yes you are right, there must be some server side that checks that. In this post I was just trying to show another possibility for a captcha. I didnt consider the server side part here. I would change the script in a way that the user has to order the numbers in the same way of another sequence that would be displayed for him/her. That value (of the sequence that he/she has to simulate) would be stored for example in some session variable that would be then matched with the user’s sequence. Another improvement would be to put the numbers as pictures and not only from 1 to 6.
Thanks for article. Everytime like to read you.
It´s not acessible, is it?!!
Hey quite good blog!! Man .. Attractive .. Remarkable .. I am going to bookmark your blog and have the rss feeds also…
I like this idea but it still seems to waste the users’ time to re-arrange that. I would love to see things more along this line
Simpler for the user (just not sure which is better for security reasons)
i tried this one. but not working on IE7. keeps on saying you’re not a human. any idea to solve this? thanks!