Collective #52
Inspirational Website of the Week

The Future Insights Live conference website has a very beautiful and balanced color scheme, excellent typography and some really nice effects.
Get inspiredAnima.js

Have you ever wanted to time and control CSS animations in a simpler and better way? Then this light-weight and powerful JavaScript library might be the right thing for you.
Check it - The Database of JavaScript Libraries

JSDB is a collection of the most popular JavaScript libraries with ratings and some GitHub stats.
Check it outFancy Input

Fancy Input makes typing characters real fun. Yair Even-Or created this awesome jQuery plugin that let's you add some unique effects to typing in an input or textarea.
Check it outtypeahead.js

Inspired by Twitter's autocomplete search functionality, typeahead.js is a fast autocomplete library with many useful features.
Check it outSimple Frontend Boilerplate
Cody Lindley created a frontend boilerplate which serves as a starting point to develop websites or small web applications without forcing a specific MV* framework or module dependency loader.
Get it200 Free Glyphs (PSD)

A set of useful and delicate glyphs for your next design by Joel Siddall.
Get itFree Font: Foro Rounded

Foro Rounded is the softer sister of the succesful Foro family and Hoftype offers the beautiful light style for free.
Get itUsing Flexbox: Mixing Old and New for the Best Browser Support

Chris Coyier shows which syntax to use in order to achieve the best browser support for using flexbox for order-controlled grids.
Read itA Complete Guide for Building HTML5 Games

Learn all the important things you need to know for building HTML5 games from this in depth-article by David Rousset for WebAppers.
Read itPillow UI (PSD)

A pixel-perfect UI kit with a great color scheme by MediaLoot.
Get itDos and don'ts of cross-platform mobile design

In this .net Magazine article, Justin Ferrell explains the fundamental differences between the user expectations of today's most popular mobile platforms, and illustrates how developers can build cross-platform applications without neglecting the user experience.
Read itMaking an accessible dialog box
Nicholas C. Zakas shows how to make dialogs easily accessible both by screen readers and those who use only a keyboard.
Read itFree Font: Corbert Regular

Jonathan Hill designed this geometric sans serif typeface influenced by Bauhaus and the early modernist era. The regular and italic weights are available as freeware.
Get itFront-End CSS Frameworks

A collection of best front-end frameworks for faster and easier web development.
Read itRedacted: A Font for Web and Desktop

Based on BLOKK, the wireframe font we featured before, Christian Naths created Redacted which also comes with script versions in two weights: bold and regular.
Check it outCoding a Horizontal Navigation Bar with jQuery Dropdown Menus

A tutorial by Jake Rocheleau on how to create a stylish horizontal navigation bar.
Check it outMagazine design principles applied to web design

Cameron Chapman shows how to apply some great design techniques from print design to web design.
Read itExperimental CSS3 Only Image Slider with 3D Transforms

Learn how to create a CSS only image slider from this tutorial by Johnny Simpson.
Check it outWeb Speech API Demonstration

This powerful Web Speech API demo shows how speech can be used for more than just simple voice commands. Make sure to read this article about it on the Chrome Blog.
Check it outImproving CSS text decorations

See how you can use some great CSS properties and techniques for decorating and beautifying text.
Read itFree Font: Sanchez Slab

Sánchez is a stunning typeface designed by Daniel Hernández. It bears a strong resemblance to the iconic Rockwell and you can download the regular and italic styles for free.
Get itFree Font: Vaccine

Vaccine from ParaType is an exquisite and unique slab serif font family with a mixture of the usual and one-sided serif. The regular style is free.
Get itApptastico (PSD)

This freebie by Christoffer O. Jensen is a super-clean and neatly crafted website design.
Get it