Collective #51
Inspirational Website of the Week

Jiouhe Consultancy offers a very interesting scrolling experience. Not the straight scrolling you are used to.
Get inspiredFlat Pixels

A superb essay by Sacha Greif about flat design and skeuomorphism. You'll definitely understand the ongoing debate about these two styles after reading it.
Read it300 Million Users and Move to WebKit

Big and exciting news from Opera: the 300 million user strong browser will be using WebKit as its rendering engine and V8 as its JavaScript engine.
Read itDark Patterns Library

Harry Brignull created Dark Patterns are user interfaces that are intended to trick people. The purpose of the site is to spread awareness, and to name and shame sites that use Dark Patterns.
Check it

A different kind of color picker where you can explore hex colors in an intuitive way.
Check it outPeerJS: Peer-to-peer data in the browser

PeerJS provides a complete, configurable, and easy-to-use peer-to-peer data API built on top of WebRTC.
Check it Interactive Infographics

With you can easily create beautiful looking and interactive infographics.
Check it outFree Font: Salt & Foam

Salt and Foam is a free typeface that was inspired by surfing, created by Anna Karatcheva.
Get itBuild a Street Fighter Demo with CSS Animations and JavaScript

David Walsh shows you how to use animated PNG sprites with the steps() property of CSS animations for building a rad Street Fighter demo.
Check it outResponsive Typography

Responsive Typography by Marko Dugonjić is an interesting proof of concept on how face detection can be used to adjust the font size for any given reading distance.
Try itWebKit is the jQuery of Browser Engines
Read what John Resig thinks about the switch of Opera to WebKit and why he believes that WebKit is like the jQuery of browser engines.
Read itSetting Weights And Styles With The @font-face Declaration

Laura Franz gives some useful tips and explains some great techniques on how to deal with @font-face weights and styles in this Smashing Magazine article.
Read itFree Font: PROMESH

Paul Reis created this exquisite athletic font that comes in mesh, regular and stitch style.
Get itFree Icons: Sunday Market (PSD)

Some stylish and beautiful free icons by Ezhi Stolz.
Get itDiscourse

Discourse is a new, free discussion platform with an intuitive concept and some great features.
Check it outthreesixty jQuery Plugin

With this jQuery plugin you can easily create draggable 360 views from a set of images.
Check it outCinnamon.js

This script allows your website visitors to find links, images, and other content by their synonyms, using the browser’s built-in search.
Try itComix I/O

An awesome library for building xkcd-style comic strips using HTML.
Try itUI Elements

This site provides UI designers with a place where they can download hundreds of free (yet high quality) UI elements.
Check it outBuilding Twitter Bootstrap

Mark Otto gives us some insight on how Twitter Bootstrap came into existence and how parallel development and collaboration across teams made it become the powerful tool it is today.
Read itThe progress element

Learn about the interesting progress element from Ian Devlin in this great article by Ian Devlin for HTML5Doctor.
Read it