Collective #262

CSS Grid, Flexbox And Box Alignment: Our New System For Web Layout
A gigantic compendium of all the new layout methods in CSS with useful examples by Rachel Andrew.
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Best of Themes
An incredibly useful site that collects all kinds of themes from many different places on the web.
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Build Things Visually with Divi 3.0
Divi 3.0 introduces a completely new visual interface that will forever change the way you build websites.
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H.264 is Magic
A fantastic article that highlights how and why the H.264 video compression codec standard is so amazing. By Sid Bala.
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LessPass is a promising looking next-gen open source password manager. Created by Guillaume Vincent.
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Designing Confirmation
Some interesting thoughts about best practices and the future of confirmed action. An article by Andrew Coyle.
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Rethinking Text Input on Touch Screens
Some great thoughts on keyboards and touchscreen with several examples and ideas.
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Chinese language on the web
A very informative introduction to Chinese web typography, CSS writing-mode, and vertical Chinese layout on the web. By Hui Jing Chen.
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Coloron Game
A very enjoyable and addictive game made by Greg Hovanesyan to inspire developers to use GSAP, ES6 and Flexbox.
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TalkTalkTalk is an easy-to-install single-page chat room that keeps the chat history. Made by Joseph Ernest.
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Printer Pull Down To Refresh
A super-cool pull-down-to-refresh effect with a printer made by Nikolay Talanov.
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10k Apart Winners
The winners of 10k Apart challenge are announced and if you are into Morse code, you'll love "Dashingly Responsive" by Emil Björklund.
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Hamburger menu alternatives for mobile navigation
Zoltan Kollin collects some solid alternatives for the Hamburger menu icon for your mobile navigation.
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Dumb Questions for Smart Designers
What do smart desingers answer when being asked a dumb question? Explore some fun tales and hilarious anecdotes that will make you chuckle.
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The State of Responsive 3D Shapes
An interesting article by Ana Tudor on how to make 3D shapes responsive.
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Pure, straightforward code without dependencies. Great to learn from. Made by Jens Stimpfle. On a plane.
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CSS Architecture for Design Systems
Some interesting insights into a new design system Brad Frost has created for his latest project.
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Rethinking Responsive Design
Una Kravets explores what it means to be a truly responsive experience in the light of Web APIs and future specs.
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Anaglyph Photoshop Actions
Some interesting anaglyph actions for Photoshop made by Micromove Creative Design for Pixel Buddha.
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Pointing the Way Forward
Sérgio Gomes dives into Pointer Events and shows how to use it for writing input-agnostic code.
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Free Font: L-7 Stencil
A stylish stencil font desinged by Luis Calzadilla.
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