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When designing a website we have a lot of elements to worry about: menus, navigations buttons, forms, header, footer and many other important details that make our design special. Today we decided to list some good examples of circular elements in web design. We will show you beautiful circular buttons, menus, images and other details. You will see that when properly designed, circles can make your website look pretty unique. 😉
Oliver James Gosling
Beautiful circular menu buttons.
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Lucia Soto
Circular elements that are main part of the layout.
Circular social buttons that get our attention.
Main image based in a circular shape, circular social buttons and also circular markers to select showcased project.
Several elegant and beautiful circular elements.
Cat Rabbit
Circular elements ‘all over the place’ – header and small circular buttons at the bottom, even in the model’s make up. 😉
Big circular navigation buttons.
Nice circular elements and navigation buttons.
Also some nice circular navigation buttons.
Super elegant circular buttons. Loved the whole design and colors.
Beautiful circular details that give a nice touch to the page.
Nice ‘circular way’ of presenting a team. 😉
For the Record
Colorful and beautiful circular elements as part of the whole design.
Site Optimizer
Not exactly perfect circles, but as they are pretty beautiful and elegant, decided to show them here. 😉
Made by Water
Circular icons/buttons that make a good balance with the ‘squared’ background and typography.
Dj MoSoul
Background ‘full of circles’.
Beautiful circular elements.
Circular navigation buttons.
Dribbble by Jamie Brightmore
I guess this one doesn’t require explanations. 😉
Wade – A Retrospective
Circular elements are the main characteristic of the layout.
nGen Works
Circular elements at the main image and also circular social buttons.
Amazee Labs
Beautiful and elegant menu buttons.
Beautiful circular elements and rounded typography.
Nice and colorful circular elements.
Baney Design
Clean and beautiful circular navigation buttons.
Thanks for this article
I thinkCircular element break standard website.
Cool! Does this mean I was ‘ahead of the curve’ 😉 last year when designing this site?
One more suggestion to the list, Gi. The Chopptime website: http://www.chopptime.com.br
If you like circular elements see: http://playground.mobily.pl/jquery/mobily-blocks.html
Thank you for my selected site (smorge.com) in this nice list! Merci beaucoup 🙂
people will catch with this trends soon, recently I have also noted few of such designs which were using circular patterns/elements for designs.
nice collection anyways.
Circles make the world go round. Sorry I couldn’t resist. Its amazing to see how a simple circle can have such an effect on the design of any project that is being done.
Very weell sites 🙂
thanks for including my website amongst these lovely sites!
Just updated my site as well. Yep, full of circles!