Some Useful JavaScript & jQuery Snippets

How to refresh the src of an image with jQuery? $(imageobj).attr(‘src’, $(imageobj) .attr(‘src’) + ‘?’ + Math.random() ); How to see if an image is loaded or not with jquery […]

  • How to refresh the src of an image with jQuery?
  • $(imageobj).attr('src', $(imageobj)
               .attr('src') + '?' + Math.random() );
  • How to see if an image is loaded or not with jquery
  • var imgsrc = 'img/image1.png';
    $('<img/>').load(function () {
        alert('image loaded');
    }).error(function () {
        alert('error loading image');
    }).attr('src', imgsrc);
  • And if a set (example : 10 images) of images are loaded
  • var totalimages  = 10;
    var loadedimages = 0;
    $("<img/>").load(function() {
        if(loadedimages == totalimages){
            //All 10 images are loaded
  • How to remove selected text after mouse double click event
  • clearSelection      : function () {
        if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) {
        } else if(window.getSelection) {
            var sel = window.getSelection();
        //do something

    Tiny break: 📬 Want to stay up to date with frontend and trends in web design? Subscribe and get our Collective newsletter twice a tweek.

  • Validate email address:
  • var email = ''
    alert('Invalid Email');
  • How to order a <ul> element using jQuery
  • <ul>
    var items = $('.to_order li').get();
        var keyA = $(a).text();
        var keyB = $(b).text();
        if (keyA < keyB) return -1;
        if (keyA > keyB) return 1;
        return 0;
    var ul = $('.to_order');
    $.each(items, function(i, li){
  • Passing parameters to a function called with setTimeout
  • timeout = setTimeout(function(){myFunction(param)},time);
  • Disable right mouse click
  • $(document).ready(function(){
            return false;
  • Fade out an image, and fade in another one (replacing the previous one)
  • $('imageelement').fadeOut(function() {
        $(this).load(function() {
        }).attr('src', AnotherSource);
  • Write your own selectors
  • //extend the jQuery functionality
    $.extend($.expr[':'], {
        //name of your special selector
        moreThanAThousand : function (a){
            //Matching element
            return parseInt($(a).html()) > 1000;
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('td:moreThanAThousand').css('background-color', '#ff0000');
  • Run a function 5 times with intervals of 20 seconds
  • var count = 0;
    function myFunction() {
        if(count > 5) clearInterval(timeout);
        //do something
    var timeout = setInterval(myFunction, 20000);
  • Check if an element exists
  • if ($("#elementid").length) {
        //it does!
  • Cancel an ajax request
  • var req = $.ajax({
    type:     "POST",
    url:     "someurl",
    data:     "id=1",
    success: function(){
    //Cancel the Ajax Request

    Message from TestkingIf want to learn how to use javascript and JQuery to create powerful websites then join testking 70-647 online designing course and get expert testking 350-018 reviews and and testking 640-553 tutorials to learn how to create effective web lauouts.


    Cody loves jQuery - he puts the magic into every web application. He is crazy about Curry dishes.

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