Holy cannelloni! Something is missing! There might have been something wrong with the link... But we have more to read: Case Study: Mount Media From Design to Development Without Translation: How to Find the Real Source of Truth Inspirational Websites Roundup #65 How to Create a PS1-Inspired Jitter Shader with React-Three-Fiber Case Study: Armur—Alexandra Murgu Portfolio Grid Displacement Texture with RGB Shift using Three.js GPGPU and Shaders Scroll-based SVG Filter Animations on Text Case Study: Design Education Series Server-first Web Components with DSD, HTMX, and Islands Inspirational Websites Roundup #64 Designer Spotlight: Vladimir Biondić Interactive 3D Device Showcase with Threepipe Designer Spotlight: Artemii Lebedev Origami: 12 Free Animated 3D Objects Inspirational Websites Roundup #63