Collective #725

Inspirational Website of the Week: CIETY
An eccentric, bold design with vibrant colors and a fun scrolling experience.
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Power up your Form Submissions
Add access controls, business process management and communication to your form submission results.
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GSAP 3.11 Released with matchMedia
A new GSAP release with the amazing gsap.matchMedia() which is a game-changer for responsive, accessible-friendly animations.
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Why React Re-Renders
In this tutorial, Josh W Comeau unpacks when and why React re-renders, and how we can use this information to optimize the performance of our React apps.
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Physically Based
Built as an open API, this database provides CG artists with physically based values.
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Cohost is a new social media platform built from the ground up by a small team of developers and designers who like sharing things on the internet. It allows to use custom CSS in an update.
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Recoded lets you create beautiful images or videos of your code. Made by Siddharth Roy.
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An Introduction to Constraint Based Design Systems
A very interesting article by Cole Peters on constraint based design systems and how effective designs optimize for constraints.
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Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources?
Addy Osmani shares some insight on future ways and experiments that could potentially protect the user experience from the detrimental impact of third-party scripts.
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Vertex Gallery
Vertex gallery is a virtual art gallery that shows 34 new art pieces every day. These art pieces change every night at 22:00 UTC.
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Loading Disco
Joe Bell shares a beautiful alternative to the loading spinner.
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CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 1
Learn how to combine CSS Grid techniques with CSS clip-path and mask to create fancy grids of images of different shapes.
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The horizontal overflow problem
Hui Jing Chen explains how to avoid the unintended horizontal over-scrolling on mobile.
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On ratings and meters
Lea Verou created a proper web component for star ratings based on the meter element.
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Color and Contrast
A comprehensive guide to color and contrast for user interface designers.
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Do you know about overflow: clip?
You probably know overflow: hidden, overflow: scroll and overflow: auto, but do you know overflow: clip? Kilian Valkhof shows what this CSS value does.
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A simple carousel with a few lines of CSS
Pawel Grzybek shows how there's no more the need to use a carousel plugin but only CSS instead.
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How I Added Scroll Snapping To My Twitter Timeline
Šime Vidas shows how to use CSS Scroll Snap for a better Twitter scroll experience.
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The Ballad of Text Overflow
The text-overflow property can be used to show visual indication of truncated text. Read why it's inherently inaccessible.
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Poly: Generate design assets with A.I.
Poly is a place to generate all kinds of design assets in seconds using advanced A.I. Create textures, graphics, icons, sprites, and more.
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Optimizing for JavaScript is hard
Jeroen Engels elaborates why JavaScript is a very hard language to optimize, especially as a compilation target.
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A design system for building retro Apple-inspired interfaces.
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Outline is your friend
Don‘t rely on properties like background-color or box-shadow alone for focusing styling. An article by Manuel Matuzović.
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With Coder you can offload your team's development from local workstations to cloud servers.
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Alphredo generates translucent colors looking the same as their opaque counterparts when placed against the same background.
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Intersection Observer Scrolling Effects
Awesome scroll effects for making items appear with a cool animation. By Jhey Thompkins.
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Checkerboard Transition for Text in Three.js
A coding session where you'll learn how to recreate the checkerboard transition from Gleec.
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Awesome Demos Roundup #21
A fresh roundup of the most interesting code experiments from the past couple of weeks.
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Fullscreen Scrolling Slideshow
A fullscreen scroll-based slideshow with a content view powered by GreenSock's Observer plugin.
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