Collective #719

Inspirational Website of the Week: Tilton
Very thoughtful details, unique shapes and effects make the website of Tilton a very aesthetic web experience.
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Build websites faster with Divi Cloud
Divi Cloud is like Dropbox for your Divi websites: save something to Divi Cloud and it becomes available on all of your and your clients’ websites while you build them.
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Building tabs in Web Components
David Darnes shares how he made tabs in Web Components and the problems that needed to be overcome.
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The joy of Variable Fonts: getting started on the Frontend
In this article you'll learn how to get set up with variable fonts on the frontend, how to load them and much more.
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Three.js Screen Space Reflections
A fantastic project by 0beqz that implements performant Screen Space Reflections in three.js.
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Bun is a new JavaScript runtime with a native bundler, transpiler, task runner and npm client built-in.
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How To Set Up a GraphQL API Server in Node.js
Tania Rascia's tutorial setting up a GraphQL API server using the Express framework in Node.js
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Body Margin 8px
The curious origin story for a style no one wants by Miriam Eric Suzanne.
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Tech Imposters Anonymous
Read and share anonymous confessions of Tech Imposters. Presented by Cafe Robot.
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Two levels of customising <selectmenu>
Learn about the newly proposed <selectmenu> that will have powerful styling options and full control over the different parts.
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HTML/CSS Tips for <img>
A great tip by Jhey on how to use the image element in a good way.
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Felt brings the simple elegance of modern creative software to the world of maps.
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The Unlocked Possibilities of the :has() Selector
In this article Jim Nielsen explores the power of the :has() selector.
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Masonry? In CSS?!
Michelle Barker explains the current approach for creating a Masonry layout and what the downsides are.
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Defensive CSS - Position sticky with CSS Grid
A great tip by Ahmad Shadeed on making position sticky work with CSS Grid.
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Faster WordPress rendering with 3 lines of configuration
Some great advice on how to make WordPress rendering faster by Stoyan Stefanov.
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Single Element Loaders: Going 3D!
The fourth and final article of a great series on single-element loaders by Temani Afif.
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Zapier Brand
The wonderful and inspiration redesign of the Zapier brand.
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Metaverse office
Michal Zalobny has coded Le Polish Bureau's metaverse office designed in Blender and moved to WebGL.
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Adobe X Bowie
Step into Bowie's virtual dressing room. An amazing gaming project made by Bruno Arizio and Resn for Adobe
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WebGL Black Hole
A magnificent black hole in WebGL made by Bruno Simon.
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Checkbox Accent Color Pixel Art
Shaw made this fun demo of pixel art with checkboxes and the accent-color CSS property.
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Curl Flow
A beautiful demo made by Ichitaro Masuda.
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How to Map Texture to a 3D Face with Three.js
A coding session where you'll learn how to wrap a texture on a 3D face with Three.js.
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How to Create a Cover Page Transition
Today we are looking under the hood of a page transition based on Vitalii Burhonskyi's Dribbble shot.
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