Collective #717

Inspirational Website of the Week: Hisami Kurita Portfolio
A really unique design and web experience that shines with amazing animations. Our pick this week.
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Perfect for Hackathons
Learn how to speed up your development using low-code databases.
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State of GraphQL
The new annual developer survey of the GraphQL ecosystem. Fill out the survey to help identify which GraphQL tools and features are actually being used.
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The cost of convenience
Surma's mental model of how to develop for developers without getting tempted to over-do it with abstractions.
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Fun Parallax Scrolling CSS for Matterday
Journey through the parallax scrolling CSS effects featured on the site of the Matterday project. By Lynn Fisher.
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Managing Specificity With CSS Cascade Layers
An in-depth guide to CSS Cascade Layers that will help you write easily maintainable stylesheets and deal with CSS specificity more efficiently.
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Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022
The results of Stack Overflow's survey insights about the attitudes, tools, and environments that are shaping the art and practice of software today.
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Building forms with custom elements
Maggie Wachs reviews what we can do now with custom elements in forms to ensure they behave as expected, and what’s on the horizon to simplify this process.
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Style scoping versus shadow DOM: which is fastest?
Nolan Lawson presents a new benchmark that provides a better answer to the question if shadow DOM improves style performance.
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Building a Quiz with Eleventy and Eleventy Serverless
Learn how to built an Eleventy site driven by dynamic quiz data. By Raymond Camden.
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CSS card shadow effects
Chen Hui Jing shows how to create a card component with a comic style look.
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Get on board and discover the most surreal facts about the aviation industry. A fantastic experiment by the folks of Leeroy.
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A cool spider experiment coded by Fabio Ottaviani.
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SVG Spinners
A collection of 24 x 24 dp SVG spinners.
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In case you didn't know about it: Markwhen is a text-to-timeline tool. You write markdown-ish text and it gets converted into a nice looking cascading timeline.
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Chunshik's observation diary
An absolutely adorable WebGL site.
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Modern CSS Reset
CSS Reset that uses modern CSS features such as :where(), logical properties, prefers-reduced-motion and more. By Elly.
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Conditionally Styling Selected Elements in a Grid Container
Fantastic CSS magic by Preethi that allows for selecting multiple items in a grid.
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Three.js Architectural Visualization
Anderson Mancini has made another amazing #archiviz project in Three.js.
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The designer’s gaze
Srishti Mehrotra's opinion on the role of designers and the impact of their work.
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Creating a Particles Galaxy with Three.js
A coding session where you'll learn how to recreate the galaxy made of particles from the Viverse website.
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