Collective #714

Inspirational Website of the Week: Custo
Perfectly smooth animations with typography that just works. Our pick this week.
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Build websites faster with Divi Cloud
Divi Cloud is like Dropbox for your Divi websites: save something to Divi Cloud and it becomes available on all of your and your clients’ websites while you build them.
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A three.js Competition
Tiiny Host's three.js competition has started! Upload and host your web project and show off your WebGL skills!
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A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that automatically adds smooth transitions to your web app.
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A minimalist creative coding playground, using only HTML sliders. Make animations using math!
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The native macOS app which promises to revolutionise the way you configure and run local web servers on your Mac.
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Customizing Color Fonts on the Web
WebKit now supports CSS @font-palette-values which can be used to access predefined color palettes of color fonts.
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In case you didn't know about it: PushIn.js is a lightweight parallax effect, built with JavaScript, that simulates an interactive dolly-in or push-in animation on a webpage.
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A calendar and weather forecast in the terminal
A couple of cool terminal tricks to get calendars and the weather, plus how to assign aliases and pass arguments to bash functions. By Jamie Smith.
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Tetra is a full stack reactive component framework for Django using Alpine.js.
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Can I Devtools?
Can I DevTools is like Can I Use but for the browser devtools. Created and curated by Pankaj Parashar.
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Top games + source code from Gamedev.js Jam 2022
The best 13 entries from the Gamedev.js Jam 2022.
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Processing Arrays non-destructively: `for-of` vs. `.reduce()` vs. `.flatMap()`
Axel Rauschmayer looks at look at three ways of processing Arrays and shows how to use the features.
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Drawing with CSS: Anime Character
Alvaro Montoro explains how to draw an anime character with HTML and CSS from scratch.
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Pure CSS image zoom
Some amazing CSS magic by Jhey: a thread on how to pull off a pure CSS image zoom using CSS primitives.
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Plantarium is an amazing tool for the procedural generation of 3D plants. Made by Max Richter.
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How I Built an "OS" with React for My Portfolio Website
Dustin Brett discusses how he made his website look and feel like an Operating System with JavaScript.
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Scroll Btween
Tween any CSS values on any DOM element in relation with its position on the viewport. No dependencies.
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The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Freshly updated: Simple, but detailed explanations with examples and tasks, including: closures, document and events, object oriented programming and more.
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Building a static website using Iles.js
In this tutorial by Clara Ekekenta you will learn how to code a static website in Vuejs using Iles.js.
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Cool CSS Hover Effects That Use Background Clipping, Masks, and 3D
Temani Afif finalizes his series on hover effects and shows how to code complex CSS hover animations.
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Arctype SQL Client
Arctype is a fast and easy-to-use database client for writing queries, building dashboards, and sharing data with your team.
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State is hard: why SPAs will persist
Nolan Lawson shares some thoughts why Single-Page Apps still persist.
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Star Wars Scene Transition Effects in CSS
Learn how to create those wipe transitions from Star Wars movies in CSS.
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Scroll Animation Ideas for Image Grids
Some ideas for scroll animations on image grids using the ScrollTrigger plugin of GSAP and the new smooth scroll library Lenis by Studio Freight.
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Coding an Infinite Slider using Texture Recursion with Three.js
A coding session where you'll learn how to recreate the infinite image slider from using Three.js.
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Inspirational Websites Roundup #38
A new hand-picked selection of fresh websites for your inspiration.
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