Collective #710

Inspirational Website of the Week: Erin Wesley
Elegance and sophisticated design elements, fine typography and lovely effects make this website a great web experience.
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[Array Builder]
Array Builder is a free tool to visualize the returned values of array transformations and computations made from map/filter/reduce.
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Grid Tile Patterns
Daniel Velasquez is exploring infinite patterns made from grids.
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Building a combined CSS-aspect-ratio-grid
Nils Binder shares the solution to a tricky problem using CSS aspect-ratio.
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Scrollex is a react library that lets you build beautiful scroll experiences using minimal code.
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A fantastic project made by Julian Garnier made with Three.js and Anime.js. Read more about it here.
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David: Creative Developer
The amazing portfolio of David Heckhoff made with fantastic WebGL 3D animation.
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Building Table Sorting and Pagination in Alpine.js
Learn how to build a sortable, paged, dynamic table in Alpine.js. By Raymond Camden.
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Using the Web Audio API to Turn my Keyboard into an Instrument
Tania Rascia shows how she built Keyboard Accordion with Svelte to make a musical keyboard.
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Stacks provides everything you need to quickly design, build, and ship coherent experiences across all of Stack Overflow.
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Contextual Spacing For Intrinsic Web Design
Stephanie Eckles shows how to use adaptive, contextual spacing techniques to deal with the unpredictability of browser environments.
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Dark side
Learn how to code a dark mode toggle that persists in the browser. By Roy Quilor.
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RemixPress is a presentation layer built with React, Remix, MUI and GraphQl that works with Wordress as a headless CMS.
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A simple microblog for lists.
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Planby is a React based component that lets you implement your own Timeline. Learn more about it in this tutorial by Karol Kozer.
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A command-line interface for quickly sharing code snippets of your local files.
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Internet spring cleaning: How to delete Instagram, Facebook and other accounts
Some tips on how to remove online clutter and delete your accounts on some social media platforms, specifically, the ones who use and abuse your data.
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Just Join IT
A new job board for Europe's tech industry.
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User friendly web games
A collection of user friendly web games that are not overly addictive.
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Building a JavaScript Bundler
Learn the basics of building a JavaScript bundler in this tutorial by Christoph Nakazawa.
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Deep Dive into Text Wrapping and Word Breaking
Learn about all the different ways to control how text wraps with CSS.
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Projects that help make the terminal more powerful and beautiful.
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Mechanical Watch
A beautifully illustrated guide on how to build a mechanical watch by Bartosz Ciechanowski.
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Inspirational Websites Roundup #37
A special selection of the most creative websites with the finest designs from the past couple of weeks to keep you up-to-date on the current trends.
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Image Trail Animation for an Intro
An experimental concept with an initial loader, a trail effect and an intro screen that animates to a new layout using GSAP's Flip plugin.
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