Bi-Weekly Frontend News

Collective #710

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[Array Builder]

Array Builder is a free tool to visualize the returned values of array transformations and computations made from map/filter/reduce.

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Scrollex is a react library that lets you build beautiful scroll experiences using minimal code.

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A fantastic project made by Julian Garnier made with Three.js and Anime.js. Read more about it here.

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Stacks provides everything you need to quickly design, build, and ship coherent experiences across all of Stack Overflow.

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Dark side

Learn how to code a dark mode toggle that persists in the browser. By Roy Quilor.

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RemixPress is a presentation layer built with React, Remix, MUI and GraphQl that works with Wordress as a headless CMS.

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A command-line interface for quickly sharing code snippets of your local files.

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