Collective #696

Inspirational Website of the Week: Accueil - Wanderful Chalet
A fantastic mélange of colors, typography and layouts that just work so well. Our pick this week.
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Instant websites for your clients with Divi Layout Packs
With the Divi Layout Packs you'll get world-class designs ready to be used for your client projects.
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Crafting Component Libraries: The Elements
Jon Yablonski takes you through the process for crafting the foundational elements that make up a component library based on design fundamentals that can grow and evolve to fit the needs of any interface.
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What's New Since CSS3 in 2015?
A great summary about all the great new stuff that came to CSS in the past couple of years.
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Here’s what I didn’t know about :where()
Manuel Matuzović explains why the where() pseudo-class might be more useful than originally thought.
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Google Analytics declared illegal in the EU
Austria's data protection authority has found that Google Analytics is illegal to use on European websites.
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PHP in 2022
An article about all the interesting new things PHP has to offer.
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A free, open-source app to quickly generate beautiful screenshots.
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Make Free Stuff
Max Böck on web3, Wordle and the radical concept of building things for free.
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The Old Internet Shows Signs of Quietly Coming Back
Thanks to the increasing disillusionment with today's Internet, many individuals are creating their own websites.
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BUILD IT Academy
A hidden job offer in the website source! Can you find it?
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Frontend Predictions for 2022
Jay Freestone's thoughts on what we might see in the coming year, including the return of micro-frontends, functional JavaScript & the demise of the Jamstack as we know it.
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Adrian Bece made this CSS library for adding inflated fluffy 3D claymorphism styles to any HTML element.
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Charming libraries and tools to make the command line glamorous.
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How Apollo GraphQL had a major impact on our microsite performance
Berry de Witte writes about how using GraphQL was dragging down performance for a microsite.
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The last design you'll ever make
Designing from cradle to grave is no longer good enough. We need to postpone that grave as long as possible. This is how to design for a right to repair.
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Francesco Michelini recently updated his general template for ThreeJS applications.
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Matrix Multiplication
An interactive matrix multiplication calculator for educational purposes.
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Div divisiveness
An article by Scott O'Hara on the advantages and disadvantages of using div

Background Shift Animation with CSS Blend Modes
A background color shift transition using CSS Blend Modes and a multi-layer animation.
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