Collective #688

Inspirational Website of the Week: Capsul’in — Aluminium
A beautifully sharp scroll experience with fantastic visuals. Our pick this week.
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Black Friday is Coming
Any time between now and Nov 26th you can enter to win a brand new MacBook Pro. Entering is completely free and the more raffle tickets you submit the better chance you have to win!
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Flip, Invert, and Reverse
In this article, Yuan Chuan introduces 3 kinds of transformations for the SVG path commands for creating beautiful patterns.
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An Introduction to GraphQL
Tania Rascia excellent introduction to GraphQL with hands-on examples.
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Introducing “Shadow Palette Generator”
Josh W Comeau introduces a new tool to help you generate CSS box-shadow values.
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Learn RegEx, step by step, zero to advanced. Includes a playground and cheatsheet.
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Using Position Sticky With CSS Grid
Ahmad Shadeed explains how to make position sticky work with CSS grid items.
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The Invisible JavaScript Backdoor
Wolfgang Ettlinger asks the question "What if a backdoor literally cannot be seen and thus evades detection even from thorough code reviews?"
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Automate repetitive tasks in your browser or in the cloud. No coding required.
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Responsive navbar tutorial using HTML CSS & JS
Kevin Powell shows how to create a beautiful responsive navigation bar.
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A tiny little drawing app with a beautiful UI.
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Gemini is a beautiful Lusion Monthly Experiment powered by WebGL.
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How to get started with property-based testing in JavaScript using fast-check
Learn all about property-based testing and how it helps write better tests, with less code, and greater coverage.
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Your CSS is an interface
Eric Bailey's writes about how "human-friendly CSS is an interface that prioritizes people".
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Paper Play
Just an amazing unfolding web experience with a lovely grainy look.
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How do they make browser games nowadays?
Part 1 of a series on how browser games are made. By Alexander Saltykov.
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Spreadsheets with built-in integrations from your business apps and team support.
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A Clever Sticky Footer Technique
Chris Coyier shares Sílvio Rosa's clever sticky footer technique.
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Saturday Night Fever
Saturday Night Fever is a WebGL experience using Three.js made by Arno Di Nunzio.
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In case you didn't know about it: The instant on-demand Atomic CSS engine inspired by Windi CSS, Tailwind CSS, Twind.
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ASCII Video Player
A fun ASCII video player because why not?
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Slideshow with Filter Reveal Effect - Codrops
A slideshow page layout with a filter enhanced navigation effect on the images.
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