Collective #661

Inspirational Website of the Week: Johannes Kempe
The kind of sites that just make you smile! A clear winner with excellent typography and details that will brighten your day.
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A Primer On CSS Container Queries
A practical guide to getting started with container queries by Stephanie Eckles.
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An open source tool to create single line SVGs from drawings. Great for avatars and pen plotter drawings.
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Instant websites for your clients with Divi Layout Packs
With the Divi Layout Packs you'll get world-class designs ready to be used for your client projects.
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Frustrating Design Patterns That Need Fixing: Birthday Picker
Starting with the infamous birthday picker, Vitaly Friedman takes a closer look at some frustrating design patterns and explores better alternatives.
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Optimizing Web Vitals using Lighthouse
Addy Osmani writes about finding opportunities to improve user-experience with Chrome's web tooling.
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Component-level art direction with CSS Container Queries
A great article by Sara Soueidan on how to use Container Queries for controlling what images to use in a layout.
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Creating Generative SVG Characters
Michelle Barker shares the process behind a fantastic generative SVG characters demo.
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Debugging vertical layouts in 2021
Chen Hui Jing reiterates an old vertical writing demo that used CSS grid for layout.
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A Look at Tailwind CSS
Ahmad Shadeed's insightful thoughts on Tailwind CSS.
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A great open source email alias solution that helps you protect against spam, phishing and data breaches.
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zx: A tool for writing better scripts
With this tool you can do Shell scripting in JavaScript.
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Web History Chapter 8: CSS
Jay Hoffmann takes us back to the past and tells the fascinating story of the very beginnings of CSS and it's evolution.
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Psychology of Design: 101 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX
A complete list of cognitive biases and design principles. Tons of product examples, tips and checklists to improve your user experience.
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Aspect-ratio and grid
Peter-Paul Koch encountered a problem with using the new aspect-ratio declaration in a grid context and is asking for help.
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Making Generative Art with Rust
A great interview with generative artist Alexis André.
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Victor Ribeiro's first attempt at a 3D engine using native JavaScript and WebGL.
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Ideas Filter
A great place to find apps/plugins/extensions from various marketplaces with the option to filter for ideas for which many people pay but that have a low rating.
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Performance-testing the Google I/O site
Jake Archibald takes a close look at the performance of the Google I/O event pages.
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Sketch: in 2021 and beyond
Learn what's new in the latest big update of the Sketch platform.
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Use's markdown editor and ready made templates to easily create a simple README for your repositories.
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How we use Web Components at GitHub
GitHub has long been a proponent of Web Components. Here's how we use them.
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CSS Only - Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation
Davor Suljic made this CSS only version of Bramus' demo.
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Noisy Strokes Texture with Three.js and GLSL
Learn how to code up the noisy strokes effect seen on the website of Leonard using Three.js and GLSL.
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