Collective #627

Inspirational Website of the Week: Monsieur M
An incredibly smooth and fine-tuned design with beautiful creative details. Our pick this week
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Customer Journey Smarts
Elevate all your marketing with Mailchimp Smarts - everything from planning and design, to execution and analysis.

:focus-visible Is Here
Fantastic news: Chrome 86 just shipped with support for :focus-visible.
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PureCSS Character
Diana Smith made another mind-blowing CSS character and this time, you can adjust some colors!
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Developing For The Semantic Web
Frederick O’Brien's article on the Semantic Web and how to get started with data-fying content.
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min(), max(), and clamp(): three logical CSS functions to use today
Una Kravets explains to control element sizing, maintain proper spacing, and implement fluid typography using the min, max, and clamp functions.
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Huluween - The Screamlands
Take a trip to Huluween's The Screamlands — a hair-raising, haunted house experience that will make your wildest nightmares come true. Fantastic work by Active Theory.
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Radix Icons
A crisp set of 15×15 icons designed by the Modulz team.
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Butter Slider
Butter is a simple drag and hold slider with zero dependencies.
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A wonderful demo of real-time raytracing in WebGL. By Dre.
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The --var: ; hack to toggle multiple values with one custom property
Lea Verou explains a very interesting trick to turn multiple different values on and off across multiple different CSS properties.
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Cumulative Layout Shift in Practice
Learn all about the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), the user experience metric that measures how unstable content is for your visitors.
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Webpack Tutorial: How to Set Up webpack 5 from Scratch
Tania Rascia's super-useful guide where you'll learn how to use webpack to bundle JavaScript, images, fonts, and styles for the web and set up a development server.
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ZzFXM is a tiny music generator and toolkit designed for size-limited JavaScript productions.
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Free Font: Nafta
A crisp and modern brush marker typeface that embodies free hand drawn shapes combined with bouncy positioning between each letter.
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Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies
Some very interesting thoughts by Jim Nielsen on how web tooling introduces a whole new layer of complexity that needs to be maintained.
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Writing even more CSS with Accessibility in Mind, Part 2: Respecting user preferences
Manuel Matuzovi?'s second article in a series where he explores user preferences and how to respect them when writing CSS.
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Totem animals
A beautiful WebGL experiment made by ALP Dev.
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Pi-Slices is a GIF artist who has made a 3D animated GIF every day more than 6 years. Some great coding inspiration!
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When fonts fall
In case you missed it: A great deep-dive into font fallback by Marcin Wichary.
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Link hover animation
A really nice hover effect made by Aaron Iker.
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Logical layout enhancements with flow-relative shorthands
Learn about some new logical property shorthands and new inset properties for Chromium.
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Coding the Mouse Particle Effect from Mark Appleby's Website
Learn how to create the mouse particle effect from Mark Appleby's website in this ALL YOUR HTML episode.
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Scroll Animations for Image Grids
Some ideas for scroll animations for image grids powered by Locomotive Scroll.
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