Collective #625

Inspirational Website of the Week: Celebrating 10 Years with Blind Barber
A design celebration with compelling layouts and individual effects. Our pick this week.
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Bring Your Vision To Life With a Design-Oriented Website Builder
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The failed promise of Web Components
Lea Verou explains why the potential of Web Components got lost in practice and shows a way this could be fixed.
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Emulate vision deficiencies in DevTools
Addy Osmani shows how you can emulate vision deficiencies in Chrome DevTools to see how users who experience color blindness or blurred vision might see your site.
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The Accessibility Resources is a growing list of more than 200+ hand-curated accessibility plugins, tools, articles, case studies, design patterns, assistive technologies, design resources and accessibility standards.
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Declarative Shadow DOM
DLearn about Dclarative Shadow DOM, which is a new way to implement and use Shadow DOM directly in HTML.
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Keyboard Simulator
Design and test virtual keyboards with this wonderful Three.js based tool.
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Accessible Animation
Una Kravets demonstrates how to use the “prefers-reduced-motion” media query to progressively enhance animation on your website and shows how to build a simple “reduce animation” switch.
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A URL builder library for JavaScript that makes building URLs very convenient and prevents common mistakes.
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Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons or Vue icons easily.
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Galaxy Simulation
A colliding galaxy simulation using direct and Barnes-Hut algorithms and built with Rust, ThreeJS, and WebAssembly. Check out the GitHub repo.
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HitCount lets you add a hit counter as simply as adding an image to your website.
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3 things about CSS variables you might not know
Some interesting things about CSS variables that will come in handy.
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Introducing visx from Airbnb
Read about the collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React from Airbnb.
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Dreaming of Jupiter
A beautiful Three.js demo by isladjan.
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Ballpoint is an experimental new vector graphics editor. It's available as a free to use web application.
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A purely browser-based privacy-first video tool capable of performing tasks like converting, compression, etc without uploading your files.
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Checkboxes make excellent buttons
Christian Heilmann explains why he likes to use checkboxes as buttons.
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Detached window memory leaks
Learn how to find and fix tricky memory leaks caused by detached windows.
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Creating Mirrors in React-Three-Fiber and Three.js
A brief walk-through of how to create a mirror scene based on the react-three-fiber ecosystem.
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