Collective #609

Inspirational Website of the Week: Studio Almond
Studio Almond has an equisitely fine design with some lovely animations. Our pick this week.
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Create WordPress sites with easy using Divi
You've never built a WordPress website like this before. Divi is more than just a WordPress theme, it's a completely new website building platform that replaces the standard WordPress post editor with a vastly superior visual editor.
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Color Copy Paste
Cross-platform color copy paste from phone's camera to web, Figma and Sketch plugin.
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Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max()
Lea Verou shares a solution for a tricky layout problem.
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Shape Divider App
Create fully responsive SVG shape dividers with customised code.
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The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS
Thomas Park made a CSS-based web version of the wonderful Mad Magazine's Fold-Ins by comic artist Al Jaffee.
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Perceptually Smooth Multi-Color Linear Gradients
An interactive article by Matt DesLauriers on how to create perceptually smooth CIELAB spline gradients.
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Grid for layout, Flexbox for components
In this article Ahmad Shadeed explores the question about when to use Flexbox and when it's better to use Grid.
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Optimizing keyboard navigation using tabindex and ARIA
Sara Soueidan's case study on how reducing the number of tab stops for consecutive identical links might improve the experience for keyboard users.
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CSS tip
A great tip by Hakim El Hattab on using inset box-shadows.
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The complete guide to CSS media queries
A packed guide on media queries and how to use them.
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Frontend Mentor Challenges
Learn how to create 14 different websites from scratch using HTML/CSS and JavaScript in this live series from the Frontend Mentor website.
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HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0.0 Released
Read all about the 10th anniversary release of the epic HTML5 Boilerplate.
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Cool Little CSS Grid Tricks for Your Blog
Join Ana Tudor on an insightful journey through CSS madness and how to solve an interesting layout problem.
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CSS Grid: Newspaper Layout
A fantastic newspaper layout made by Olivia Ng.
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Web Platform Contribution Guide
A beginners guide to becoming a web platform contributor.
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CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers
Read how the new CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes are now supported in some browsers. By Å ime Vidas.
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Revisiting Array.reduce()
Chris Fernandi revisits the Array.reduce() examples from one of his previous articles, and shows how he would approach those same tasks today.
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No Design Development
A collection of tools for developers who have little to no artistic talent.
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The Surprising Things That CSS Can Animate
Will Boyd explores some not-so-usual CSS properties for animations.
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JazzKeys lets you sculpt your messages using music.
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How Wikipedia Lost 3 Billion Organic Search Visits To Google in 2019
A very interesting article on Wikipedia's traffic loss due to "zero-click results".
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Supporting Dark Mode in Your Website
Another good guide on implementing light and dark modes on websites.
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The Need for Speed, 23 Years Later
An short analysis on how, in spite of an increase in Internet speed, webpage speeds have not improved over time.
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Drag to confirm
A very nice button interaction idea by Aaron Ilker.
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In case you didn't know about it: Grid.js is a lightweight, advanced table plugin that works everywhere.
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Another gem you migh have missed: Customizable blobs as SVG and Flutter Widget.
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How to Create a Motion Hover Effect for a Background Image Grid
A short tutorial on how to achieve a motion hover effect on a background image grid.
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