Collective #596

Inspirational Website of the Week: Odunpazari Modern Museum
Our pick this week is a celebration of modern design, with many interesting interaction details.
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Grow with the All-in-One Marketing Platform
Your app is up and running! Now what? Seamlessly connect it to your marketing data. That’s what.

Revealing footer with position: sticky!
Stephen Shaw reveals how to create a fantastic footer like seen on using position: sticky

Using Redux with React
A complete Redux tutorial with real-world examples by Tania Rascia.
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A fluid responsive design project by James Gilyead and Trys Mudford.
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Rendering 100k spheres, instantiating and draw calls
Daniel Velasquez's first article in a series where he's explaining the main techniques needed to make a curl simulation.
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A fantastic Three.js library for animated image backgrounds.
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Pure CSS Landscape - An Evening in Southwold
An insane CSS-only landscape painting by Ben Evans. Try changing the color of the sun!
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Setting Height And Width On Images Is Important Again
Barry Pollard explains why it's now well worth setting `width` and `height` attributes on your images again.
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A unique portfolio with endless scenes to play with. By Marco Gomez.
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An extremely fast file and directory name linter with full unicode support.
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Yoichi Kobayashi
The amazing website of web developer Yoichi Kobayashi with lots of 3D magic.
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How I made a 3D game in only 2KB of JavaScript
Frank Force shows how he programmed a tiny racing game.
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How to create an autocomplete input with only HTML
Learn how to create an autocomplete input with only HTML using the datalist element.
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TIL CSS can check for a font installed locally before fetching it remotely!
Adam Argyle shows a great CSS trick for checking for locally installed fonts.
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Why Svelte
Learn why the folks of Felt Co-op is choosing Svelte for large web projects in 2020.
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Stop using Material Design text fields!
Matsuko Friedland explains why you shouldn't use or imitate the text fields from Google's Material Design UI library.
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A fantastic musical time machine.
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Introduction to D3
A practical introduction to D3.js by Arvind Satyanarayan.
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With Snapfont you can instantly preview any Google font, local font or a custom font on a live website.
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Jitsi Meet
In case you didn't know about it: Jitsi Meet is a fully encrypted, 100% open source video conferencing solution.
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Shorthand is a utility based CSS framework for rapid prototyping.
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Inspirational Websites Roundup #13
A special collection of excellent web designs that reveal current trends and that will get you inspired.
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Background Scale Hover Effect with CSS Clip-path
A simple recreation of the background scale hover effect seen on the DDD Hotel website using CSS clip-path.
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