Collective #592

Making Things Better: Redefining the Technical Possibilities of CSS
The talk of Rachel Andrew at an An Event Apart DC 2019.
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How To Use The HTML Drag-And-Drop API In React
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the HTML drag-and-drop API and how to use the `useReducer` hook for managing state in a React functional component.
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Rapidly build websites for clients by mastering Divi
Learn how to develop websites with the most popular WordPress theme in the world and secure your success as a freelancer.
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CLI Diagram
With CLI Diagram you can draw needlessly complex diagrams right in the console.
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Building a new kind of ecosystem
A great talk by Lin Clark from the WebAssembly summit.
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A "WYSIWYG" (kind of) scripting language and runtime for browser automation.
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The amazing portfolio of Marco Gomez is like the 80s on ASCIID.
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In case you missed it: A JavaScript bundler and minifier that focuses on speed.
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Jason Mayes' great project that removes people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js.
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Pixel Dust
Some sparkling flowy pixel dust made by Paul Neave.
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In Search of Simplicity
Some insightful thoughts by Michelle Barker on the quest for simplicity.
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Pure CSS Claw Crane
A really nice CSS only demo by Jon Kantner.
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Wind field - How To
A breakdown of a wind field in 8 steps, using P5.js. By Louis Hoebregts.
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React + Canvas = <3
Thibaut Dutartre shows how to write canvas-based components in React.
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Glitch Art Generator
A fun glitch art generator made by Adam Fuhrer.
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Corgo's with Jason
A beautiful variable font text effect made by Mandy Michael.
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In case you didn't know about it: Fluiditype is an interesting fluid typography CSS helper.
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A 2048-inspired game with a twist. Made with Three.js.
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Gauging users' reactions to non-native UI
Some interesting insights from some gorilla usability tests conducted at DroidCon NYC 2019 by Frances Biedenharn.
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An explosive text processor with lots of potential. Made by Ash K and Maks Loboda.
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