Collective #572

Accessibility Tips for Web Developers
Addy Osmani writes about the six key areas of disability we can optimize for: visual, hearing, mobility, cognition, speech and neural.
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User flows done right.
Enhance design presentation and collaboration with Overflow, the world's first user flow diagramming tool for product design teams!
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Techniques for Rendering Text with WebGL
Daniel Velasquez's great guide to text rendering techniques in WebGL.
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Calculating Color: Dynamic Color Theming with Pure CSS
Read how with the magic of CSS Custom Properties, HSL colors, and some calc() fun, you can create custom theming with no dependencies. By Una Kravets.
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Browser Default Styles
A great tool that lets you search against any element for standardized and default styles from all major rendering engines (WebKit, Blink, Gecko, Trident).
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Building a search engine from scratch
Read about the challenges involved in creating an alternative web scale search engine. By the Cliqz team.
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Accessibility Testing by People with Disabilities
Some great insight into how to ensure accessibility by employing accessibility experts of all abilities to perform accessibility review and testing.
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NanoNeuron is a set of seven simple JavaScript functions that will give you a feeling of how machines can actually "learn".
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Responsive images
Addy Osmani encourages us to use for creating responsive images fast.
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Infinite draggable WebGL slider
An amazing WebGL slider demo by Jesper Landberg.
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A beautiful demo of a wave by Louis Hoebregts that changes with the mouse move.
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Beautiful Scrolling Experiences – Without Libraries
Michelle Barker explores the new CSS features for scrolling.
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Sentence lengths
Amelia Wattenberger's experiment where you can visually explore how authors vary sentence lengths.
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With AnonAddy you can create unlimited aliases for free and protect your email from spam using disposable addresses.
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How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer
Marko Saric lists some steps to oppose Google AMP.
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Use view matrix outside WebGL (calculate displaced surface normals)?
An interesting thread on how to work with normals and perlin noise in react-three-fiber.
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Fretboard learning
A really nice game and tool that helps you learn the notes of your fretboard (PWA).
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Flynt is a powerful, component-based WordPress starter theme for developers.
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In case you haven't heard about it: Matestack can help you rapidly create interactive UIs in pure Ruby.
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