Collective #565
Inspirational Website of the Week: Bruno Arizio
An outstanding design with some very engaging and elegant interactions. Our pick this week.
Get PM tool that's easy on the eyes
Try the modern project management software that's super fast and a joy to use. All core features are free for up to 10 users.
Try it in Dark ModeThe 2019 Web Almanac
The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.
Check it outNext-generation web styling
Adam Argyle and Una Kravets cover 20 new and upcoming CSS features in this talk at the Chrome Dev Summit 2019. Check out the demos here.
Watch itLet's Get Graphic: A Few Ways To Draw On The Web
A great overview by Max Pekarsky on the pros and cons of different techniques to draw on the web.
Read itBruno Simon — Portfolio (case study)
Bruno Simon explains how he built his innovative gameplay-based portfolio.
Read itDesign Patterns in JavaScript
Ankita Masand's excellent article on design patterns and their crucial role in building applications.
Read itThe Front-End Tooling Survey 2019 Results
View the results from the 2019 Front-End Tooling Survey where more than 3,000 developers answered 27 questions covering a wide range of front-end tools and methodologies.
Check it outGauges
Amelia Wattenberger coded up a gauge example from Fullstack D3's Dashboard Design chapter as a React component.
Check it outAnnouncing CodeSandbox CI and all-new Embeds
Learn about CodeSandbox CI, a free continuous integration service for open source library maintainers.
Read itThe main thread is overworked & underpaid
Surma's excellent presentation on off-main-thread architecture at this year's Chrome Dev Summit.
Watch itString.prototype. replaceAll
Learn about the String#replaceAll
method that provides a straightforward mechanism to perform global substring replacements.
Sketch 60 — your design system starts here
Sketch 60 introduces some important new features that not only make it easier to work together, but also speed up the process of creating, sharing, using and maintaining design systems.
Read itPokéfolio
The wonderful portfolio of Ash, a Pokémon trainer.
Check it outHTMHell - Markup from hell
A devilish collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.
Check it outFree Font: Reborn
A beautiful decorative display font by Attractype free for a subscription.
Get itMy Inner Wolf
An eclectic visual composition of our inner worlds: a project on absence epilepsy seizures by Moniker in collaboration with Maartje Nevejan.
Check it outGSAP 3 Playground
A fantastic collection of GSAP 3 demos by Pete Barr.
Check it outGPGPU cloth simulation
Guilherme Avila made his amazing Three.js GPGPU cloth simulation code public.
Check it Metrics
A place where you can find all the latest performance metrics and best practices from Google.
Check it outUI Case study: state styles of card component with accessibility in mind
Nana Jeon's case study on hover, focus and active states on the example of a card component.
Read itRace Car Island
Another beautiful example of GSAP 3 magic. By Steve Gardner.
Check it outVideo Game Console Logos
A wonderful collection of nostalgic video game console logos by Reagan Ray.
Check it outHigh-speed Light Trails in Three.js
A creative coding exploration into how to recreate a high-speed lights effect in real-time using Three.js.
Read it