Collective #519

GitHub Sponsors (Beta)
Now you can fund your favorite developers or apply for receiving community funds for your open source projects. Read more about it in this announcement.
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Get Your Free .design Domain Name!
Thinking of building your portfolio? .design is like .com, but it's more relevant to what you do as a designer. Includes free SiteBuilder.
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Subgrid is here
Michelle Barker writes about the Firefox Nightly support for subgrid and provides an example.
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Switching From WordPress To Hugo
Learn how to move a WordPress blog to Hugo in this tutorial by Christopher Kirk-Nielsen.
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React Vertex
An experimental Hooks-based WebGL library for React.
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Code as Documentation: New Strategies with CSS Grid
A very insightful article by Sally McGrath where she walks through a fully-developed production implementation of a single major component using grid.
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The difference between keyboard and screen reader navigation
Leonie Watson highlights the important differences between keyboard and screen reader navigation.
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Pointcloud effect in Three.js
Imani Dap shows how to make a nice pointcloud effect using Three.js.
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CSS Grid subgrid lands in Firefox Nightly
Rachel Andrew announces that the subgrid value for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows landed in Firefox Nightly.
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Free Font: Portage
An adventurous and rugged slab serif built from a land and forest journal from the mid-50's. Free for an email subscription.
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Digging Into The Display Property: Grids All The Way Down
Rachel Andrew takes a look at what happens when we use display: grid
and how we might use the new subgrid value of grid-template-columns
and grid-template-rows

Introducing the first Microsoft Edge preview builds for macOS
The Microsoft Edge Team announces the availability of the Microsoft Edge Canary channel for macOS.
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BioRender is a tool for creating and sharing beautiful, professional scientific figures.
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Static web - back to the roots?
Brice Berdah explores the shift back to static site generators to sanitize web development practices.
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Breath - CSS Only
Sandrina Pereira created this abstract animated composition that uses CSS filters for a gooey effect.
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The Avener - Beautiful
A really nice effect to showcase a new music video.
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Create a split, faux-container layout with CSS Grid and Flexbox
Learn how to create a particular split layout that breaks an article of content into separate, colored panels.
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Building 3D 2048 game with Vue, Three.js and TypeScript (part 1)
The first part of a tutorial series on how to build a 3D version of the 2048 game. By Areknawo.
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Friends don't let friends implement dark mode alone
See how Chen Hui Jing experiments with the blend-mode technique for dark mode.
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I don't know how CPUs work so I simulated one in code
In order to understand how computers work under the hood, Daniel Harper simulated how one works in code.
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Rebuilding the Solar System with CSS
Rob DiMarzo explains how to rebuild his amazing CSS-only solar system demo.
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The Evolution Of Webdesign
A collection and imitation of web design trends from 1991 to 2015.
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