Collective #482

Inspirational Website of the Week: Radical Everything
A playful web experience with a vivid design. Our pick this week.
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Divi: Just Click & Type
Divi comes with over 20 pre-made layouts right out of the box. These beautiful layouts can be used to jump-start your new projects, allowing you to build new pages in just a matter of minutes.
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Anime.js v3.0.0
The great animation library anime.js was updated with lots of new features, like spring easing, built-in staggering helper, new keyframes system, new callbacks and more.
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New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering
Read about the two major updates that will make GitHub more accessible to developers.
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Bg Painter
A fantastic background image generator made by Frank Hsu with three.js.
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The Ethics of Performance
Tim Kadlec writes about how performance is an ethical issue.
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CSS doesn't suck
Andy Bell's article in defense of CSS.
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Dimensions.Guide is a comprehensive reference database of dimensioned drawings documenting the standard measurements and sizes of the everyday objects and spaces that make up our world.
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Front-End Performance Checklist 2019
An extensive list of everything you need to know to create fast web experiences. By Vitaly Friedman.
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New horizons in CSS: Houdini and the Paint API
Una Kravets writes about the CSS Houdini spec and the new browser APIs that are coming out as a part of it.
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Liquified image
A fantastic image distortion demo by Louis Hoebregts.
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A coding project a day for 20 days
Angela He shares her experience with a 20-day web dev challenge.
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30 Days of Vue
The repository of the entire source and content for the article series of 30 Days of Vue hosted by the Fullstack Vue team.
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Defensive JavaScript
A JavaScript January article by Mike Samuel on JavaScript security.
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Slidey radios (swappy radios remix)
A curious sliding radio button concept by Liam Johnston.
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2019 - with love from Mazarine
A minimalistic musical game with various interactions.
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Stepping away from Sass
Cathy Dutton writes on how and why she replaced Sass with pure CSS in her recent website rebuild.
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React Kawaii
React Kawaii is a library of cute SVG illustrations that give some personality to your ReactJS application.
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Styling a Web Component
Chris Coyier explains how web component styles work.
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Four years at Microsoft
Chris Heilmann shares some thoughts on his experience of the past four years at Microsoft.
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Web A Skeb
Remember this game? Now you can play it online :) You can find the repo here.
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Pages UI Web Kit (2019 update)
A sample of the "Pages UI Web Kit" containing 5 home pages, about us pages, contact pages and portfolio pages. By Mark Thomas McEwan.
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