Collective #477

With Rallax.js you can easily implement a dynamic parallax scrolling effect.
Check it out - A new way to manage work is a project management tool teams love! It's super flexible and easy for everyone to collaborate! Plan visually and see who's doing what at a glance.
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A marvelous Google experiment where you can control an orchestra with your body movements. Built by Rupert Parry, Melissa Lu, Haylie Craig and Samantha Cordingley. Watch the video and find out more on this page.
Check it out is a free AI-powered service to remove the background of any photo with people.
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I Threw Away my Mouse
Manuel Matuzovic shares his experience of surfing the web by using only the keyboard for several weeks.
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Using aria-live
Ire Aderinokun explains what the aria-live attribute is and shows how to use it.
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20 web design trends for 2019
An exploration of web design trends, techniques, and tools that will define website and digital product design in 2019.
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Researching a Property in the CSS Specifications
Rachel Andrew shows how to learn directly from the CSS specs.
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ReferenceError: x is not defined?
Lea Verou shares her brave solution of checking "x is not defined" ReferenceErrors.
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A beautifully rendered demo by Guillaume Lanier.
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Take a journey through Trench
A fantastic immersive experience for the song "Bandito" by Twenty One Pilots.
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Pampy.js is a fast pattern matching library for JavaScript.
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Sneaky Santa
An adorable little Christmas game by 14islands.
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Public and private class fields
Mathias Bynens explains the new public class fields syntax in V8 v7.2 and Chrome 72, as well as the upcoming private class fields syntax.
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Essentials Icon Pack
A great icon pack of popular symbols from InVision. Free for a subscription.
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Spline Dance
A joyful dance animator made by Murasaki Uma for the Christmas Experiments.
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Free Font: Monoline
A beautiful script font made by MLKWSN for PixelBuddha. Free for a subscription.
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Perspective Mouse Scroll
Mike Quinn recreated the perspective scrolling effect seen on PART Architects.
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What happens when packages go bad?
Jake Archibald summarizes how much damage can a malicious package have on a static site, and what can be done about it.
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Simple HTML5 charts using the chart-x tag powered by omi and chart.js.
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A "falling sand" game made by Max Bittker. Check out the source code on GitHub.
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Let's make Machine Learning on the web and in the client happen. We need your input!
Learn about the new community group of the W3C that works on an API proposal for Machine Learning on the web. By Chris Heilmann.
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Free Font: Optician Sans
Optician Sans is a free font that is based on the same visual principles as the LogMAR chart, adjusted to be used as a fully functional display typeface. It was created by ANTI Hamar and typographer Fábio Duarte Martins.
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In case you didn't know about it: Tutpad is an online learning community for designers with high quality design tutorials.
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Ambient Canvas Backgrounds
Five ambient webpage backgrounds created using the HTML5 Canvas API and jwagner's Simplex Noise library.
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