Collective #470

Inspirational Website of the Week: Awwwards Conference
A beautiful web experience that's so much fun to navigate. Our pick this week.
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Elegant Themes Black Friday Sale
The Elegant Themes Black Friday Sale will start on November 23rd at 12:00 AM UTC-5. This is the best time of the year to purchase an Elegant Themes membership or upgrade your membership to Lifetime. Thousands of free pizes are waiting.
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Demoboard: a live editor with every package on NPM
James K Nelson introduces Demoboard, a live editor for quickly creating JavaScript and Markdown demos that import any package on npm.
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Experimenting with brain-computer interfaces in JavaScript
Charlie Gerard dives into the very exciting topic of neurotechnology.
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Web workers vs Service workers vs Worklets
Ire Aderinokun's covers the differences between the three types of workers in JavaScript.
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Making music with magenta.js
A tutorial by Monica Dinculescu on Magenta.js, a JavaScript library that helps you generate art and music on the web.
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Designer's Eye
Test your skills and judge whether the dots are really in the middle of the shapes. A game by Supremo.
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Building An Interactive Infographic With Vue.js
A tutorial by Krutie Patel where she presents a modern approach to building an interactive infographic.
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Make More Pointless Things
Steve Gardner talks about why pointless projects are the best projects.
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Cross-cutting functionality in React using Higher-Order Components, Render Props and Hooks
Paweł Grzybek's looks at the pros and cons of HOCs, render props and hooks in React.
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A great demo of tentacles by Bruno Simon.
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Creative Coding: Sample with Code
A fantastic resource of Processing demos by deconbatch.
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Let's drop a Service Worker on!
In this video, Paul Lewis covers the life cycle of a Service Worker and shows how to clean up caches as you go.
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What's New In CSS?
Rachel Andrew's new version of her talk about what is new and interesting in CSS.
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HTM (Hyperscript Tagged Markup)
A JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support.
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eDEX-UI is a fullscreen desktop application resembling a Sci-Fi computer interface, heavily inspired by DEX-UI and the TRON Legacy movie effects.
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Tools for Makers
A hand curated directory of tools for makers to work on their dream projects.
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An immersive project for Orano. Another great work by Bruno Simon.
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Everyone starts from the bottom
A very motivational article by Robin Noguier where he shows some first works of designers.
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Heart Chat Pop
A fun chat animation demo by Chris Gannon.
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Concurrency Glossary
An informal top-level overview of terms used in concurrent computing.
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#codevember - 15 - Flame
Liam Egan's Codevember demo of a flame.
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Spin Zone
Every day of November Lars Berg creates a new fantastic sketch.
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#codevember 12/2018 — bread
Noel Delgado's adorable toaster demo for Codevember inspired by Jonas Mosesson's Moody Foodies Stickers. Check out this one, too.
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15 Puzzle
An addictive little game made by Shubham Singh in React.
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