Collective #466

Inspirational Website of the Week: New Land TV
A fluid exhibition of motion with a timeless style. Our pick this week.
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Kickstart your next design project!
Tractiv is a FREE fitness app UI kit by Cody Brown that has everything you need to get a kickstart on your very own design and prototype.
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Wink is an Open-source, Laravel-based publishing platform carefully designed to only include what matters.
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Improve Animated GIF Performance With HTML5 Video
Ayo Isaiah shows how you can reduce the size of GIF content by up to 98% by using HTML5 video.
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An amazing demo by André Mattos of a layered landscape.
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A command line JSON processing tool.
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Less Snake Oil, More Context
Surma's article on treating performance advice always in a context.
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Exploring Vim
Jaime González García invites us to join his quest of text editing enlightenment and learn vim fully.
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Why the React community is missing the point about Web Components
Ben Halpern summarizes the current dialog surrounding Web Components. An interesting discussion follows.
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Fashion concept
A fantastic scroll effect demo by Jesper Landberg.
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Making Sense of React Hooks
Dan Abramov shares his thoughts on React Hooks, the new experimental proposal to React.
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Build a CRUD App in React with Hooks
In this tutorial, Tania Rascia creates a simple CRUD (create, read, update, delete) app that utilizes Hooks and no classes.
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#codevember - 6 - Web
Johan Karlsson's demo for the #codevember "web" topic.
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A tiny utility that makes it easy to create nested DOM elements using template literals and extract references.
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A Netflix Web Performance Case Study
Addy Osmani describes how Time-To-Interactive was improved for on Desktop.
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A lovely jellyfish demo by Rafael Castro Couto.
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Inktober 2018
A compilation of Pixel-boy's amazing Inktober illustrations from 2018.
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Building a Donut Chart with Vue and SVG
Solomone Baquis shows how to create a donut chart in Vue using SVG circles.
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Teaching Functional Programming: Two Big Picture Approaches
An article by Ed Toro on two approaches for understanding the concept of Functional Programming.
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Why I wrote 33 VSCode extensions and how I manage them
Fabio Spampinato shares his workflow when developing and managing VSCode extensions.
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#codevember 7 lights
Robin Delaporte's lights demo for #codevember.
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$stdout - Mess.css
Stdout raps about the daily grind of working as a programmer. This ode is to messy CSS.
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