Collective #464
Inspirational Website of the Week: +Ring
A very innovative and interesting web experience with special touches. Our pick this week.
Get inspiredReal Time Design in WordPress
Divi is powered by the Divi Builder, an insanely fast and incredibly intuitive front end editor like nothing you have seen before. It will change the way you build websites forever.
Check it outPlayroom
With Playroom you can simultaneously design across a variety of themes and screen sizes, powered by JSX and your own component library.
Check it outUnderstanding Hooks in React
Mahesh Haldar's introduction to React 16.7 hooks with examples.
Read itVoice-Controlled Web Visualizations with Vue.js and Machine Learning
Sarah Drasner shows how to pair Vue.js, three.js and LUIS (Cognitive Services) to create a voice-controlled web visualization.
Read itCanvas-sketch A4 Template
Matt DesLauriers created this great canvas-sketch template that you can use to create A4 print artworks with JavaScript.
Check it outAnnouncing some security treats to protect you from attackers' tricks
Google will now require that JavaScript is enabled on the Google sign-in page for better security.
Read itFree Font: Extra Cheese
A joyful looking font coming in 5 styles. Free for a subscription.
Get itThe CSS Working Group At TPAC: What's New In CSS?
Rachel Andrew attended the CSS Working Group meeting at W3C TPAC, and rounds up some of the discussions.
Read itPennywise
With Pennywise you can open anything in a small floating window that always stays on top of other applications.
Check it outHaunted
React's Hooks API but for standard web components and lit-html, the HTML templating library for JavaScript.
Check it outEverything You Know About Web Design Just Changed
Jen Simmons' visionary presentation at Mozilla's View Source event.
Watch itHow we made Carousell's mobile web experience 3x faster
Stacey Tay shares their 6-months retrospective on building a Progressive Web App for Carousell.
Read itCarlo
Carlo is a web rendering surface for Node applications using Puppeteer to communicate with the locally installed browser instance.
Check it outCreate your own dysfunctional single-page app in five easy steps
Jim Newbery writes why he believes that single-page web applications damage businesses.
Read itTags to DOM
Travis Leithead's article on how the tags of HTML are transformed into the building blocks for what will be presented on screen.
Read itThe business value of design
An interesting investigation into how the best design performers increase their revenues at nearly twice the rate of their industry counterparts.
Read itThe Complete JavaScript Handbook
Flavio Copes shares this useful guide to JavaScript.
Read itInvaderZ
A version of Space Invaders where the invaders evolve with a genetic algorithm.
Check it outClassico
A compact shim for when Element.classList
cannot be used.
Folder Icons
A set of 25 slick folder icons made by Precise.
Get itFree Error Illustration Screens (PSD)
A set of beautiful illustrations for app error states by the team of Teks Mobile.
Get it90% Cleaner React w/ Hooks
Ryan Florence's repo for his talk at React Conf 2018.
Check it outPWA Install Prompt
A script that will prompt iOS users to add your PWA to their home screen, since Apple doesn't do it natively. By Jacob Bearce.
Check it outIntroducing AdaNet: Fast and Flexible AutoML with Learning Guarantees
Google introduces AdaNet, a lightweight TensorFlow-based framework for automatically learning high-quality models with minimal expert intervention.
Read itMobile Patterns
Mobile Patterns is the go-to place for mobile UI patterns inspiration. The recent update brings some great new features.
Check it outComplete works of Shakespeare
David Buchanan made a magical image that is also a valid ZIP archive, containing a multipart RAR archive, containing the complete works of Shakespeare.
Check it out