Collective #451

Apple Watch Scroll Border Animation
A great coding session by the keyframers, David Khourshid and Stephen Shaw, where they show how to code the scroll border animation as seen on the Apple Watch site.
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HelloSign API: Everything IT requires and Developers love
With a robust SDK, amazing support, detailed documentation, and super clean dashboard, HelloSign API is sure to make your team happy.
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Chrome's NOSCRIPT Intervention
Tim Kadlec digged through Blink issues to find out more about the intervention that would disable JavaScript altogether on slow networks.
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Making colour gradients
Monica Dinculescu made a demo that shows how to darken, lighten or blend colors in JavaScript.
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A versatile and accessible vector icon set that can be customized easily.
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Force restart on any iOS device with just CSS
Developer Sabri shows how to cause a restart on iOS devices using loads of nested divs and the backdrop filter. Ouch!
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Generative Art Finds Its Prodigy
Read about generative artist Manolo Gamboa Naon and his inspiring works in this article by Jason Bailey.
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Minimalistic Geometry: Poster Templates
A beautiful set of poster templates by Pixelbuddha.
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Transform-origin illustration
A demo that visualizes the transform-origin property. By Stephen Shaw.
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Colour Beam
A great demo by Chris Gannon.
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Redesigning Chrome: An interview with Chrome's lead designer
Read about how Google Chrome was redesigned to focus more on web content.
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Vue.js + GSAP = 🔥 Animations
Read how to integrate the GSAP animation library in your Vue.js project.
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Uber Rebrand 2018
A nice presentation of how the Uber brand was redesigned.
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500 Error - Animated text fill
A text fill animation for a 500 error page. Made by Mansoour.
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New in Chrome 69: building <progress> doughnut charts with conical gradients
Facundo Corradini shows how you can build conical gradients for the first supportive version of Chrome.
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Free Font: Kielo
A free uppercase headline font designed by Mikko Nuuttila.
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Capacitor (Beta)
In case you didn't know about it: Capacitor is a cross-platform API and code execution layer that makes it easy to call Native SDKs from web code. By Ionic.
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WWWBasic is an implementation of BASIC for web pages.
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How HTTPS Works
If you missed it: A side project from DNSimple where HTTPS is explained in fun comics.
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Freebie: "Libre" Web App Template
Libre is a responsive single page app template that was designed for developers who want to create collection management-like projects.
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