Collective #339

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A new tool for efficient machine teaching. Read more about it in this article.
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Lazy loading images using Intersection Observer
Learn how to put the Intersection Observer API to use for lazy loading images. By Dean Hume.
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Compression Decompressed
A great article by Jack Preston that will introduce you to the basics of data compression in a visual way.
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An essential guide that lets you discover best practices, stories, and insights from the world's top design leaders.
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Building A Simple AI Chatbot With Web Speech API And Node.js
A tutorial by Tomomi Imura on how to implement an AI chatbot.
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JavaScript for People Who Hate JavaScript
A witty article by Zach Holman on today's JavaScript experience viewed from the perspective of a Rubyist.
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Creating an Image Zoom Library With Vanilla JavaScript
Learn how to build a simple, solid JavaScript library for adding zoom-on-hover effects to images.
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Airport Distance Map
A really cool demo by Stephen Shaw powered by SVG, Vue, D3 and GSAP.
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An svg map component built with and for React. It allows the creation of pure React SVG maps using d3-geo and topojson.
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CSS Grid Highlighter for Chrome
Adem ilter made this fabulous Chrome extension that highlights CSS grids.
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A desktop app that let's you build static blog websites easily.
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Posterus is a library of promise-like asynchronous primitives (futures) that support true cancellation. By Nelo Mitranim.
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Side Project Marketing
A useful checklist for marketing side projects. Made by Karl L. Hughes.
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Topography of Dante's Inferno
"The Topography of Dante's Inferno (Infernal Topography)" is an alternative learning tool for the Divine Comedy first Cantica, made for aiding visual memory. A fantastic Chrome Experiment developed by Alpaca.
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Firefox 55: first desktop browser to support WebVR
Firefox on Windows is the first desktop browser to support the new WebVR standard (and macOS support is in Nightly).
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Gorillaz - Andromeda in WebGL
A great WebGL recreation of the popular music video Andromeda by Gorillaz. By Yagiz.
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Deep structure
A fascinating demo by Gerard Ferrandez.
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Magically combine the transparency of a PNG with the compression of a JPEG. By Stephen Shaw.
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Abstract Watercolor Textures vol. 2
Some lovely high-resolution watercolor textures by Tatiana Lapina.
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Browser Compatibility for CSS Grid Layouts with Simple Sass Mixins
Farley Reynolds shows how to make the fundamental aspects of Grid work across the browsers that support it, including IE versions that supported a different grid implementation.
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Binary Search in JavaScript
Brandon Morelli shows how to do binary search in JavaScript with a practical example.
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AsciiDots is an esoteric programming language based on ASCII art. In this language, dots, represented by periods, travel down ASCII art paths and undergo operations. By Aaron Janse.
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