Collective #334

Inspirational Website of the Week: Emmit Fenn
A visual masterpiece for the music of Emmit Fenn. Our pick this week.
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How to Ensure JavaScript Code Quality
DeepScan is a cutting-edge static analysis tool for your JavaScript code including React, so you can develop JavaScript better, at lower cost, and more reliably.
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Supernova (beta)
A design-to-code platform that turns Sketch designs into native mobile apps in minutes. Free in beta. Read more about it in this article.
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Project Common Voice
Donate your voice to help Mozilla build an open-source voice recognition engine that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web.
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OAK: A free HTML template for creative portfolios
A really well designed template by EliteFingers.
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Apple Machine Learning Journal
A new journal where Apple engineers write about their work using machine learning technologies.
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With Mesh you can visualize data and edit JavaScript code using a spreadsheet interface.
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Free Font: Coco
A beautiful experimental display typeface designed by Liah Moss.
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Vector icon speed runs
Marc Edwards has been collecting some amazing vector icon speed runs in this album. Read more about it here.
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A Collection of Interesting Facts about CSS Grid Layout
Manuel Matuzovic shares some interesting and useful features of CSS grids.
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8 things to learn in React before using Redux
Robin Wieruch recommends knowing about certain React things before jumping on the Redux train.
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Random Material Palette
If you need a nice three color palette super-quickly, try this.
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LEGO Loader
A fantastic LEGO loader demo by Chris Gannon.
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Sketch Palette Generator
A plugin that allows to output a color palette defined in JSON to Sketch.
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Introducing the Open Source for Good Directory: Help Nonprofits with Code
Read about the motivation behind the Open Source for Good Directory in this article by Michael D. Johnson.
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Design Versioning - It's true, it's here, let's talk and learn more about it.
Caio Calderari explains design versioning and compiles a list of useful resources.
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WebAssembly for Native Games on the Web
Learn about game development powered by WebAssembly in this article by Jukka Jylänki.
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Monospaced Programming Fonts with Ligatures
Scott Hanselman shares his experience with a very special type of programming font.
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JavaScript Factory Functions with ES6+
Learn about factory functions in this article by Eris Elliott that is part of a series on functional programming and compositional software techniques.
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Using Deep Learning to Create Professional-Level Photographs
A fascinating article that introduces an experimental deep-learning system for artistic content creation that uses Google Street View panoramas to create professional-level photos.
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React, Facebook, and the Revocable Patent License. Why It's a Paper 🐯
Dennis Walsh shares a great primer on patent law and clarifies what React's patent license is all about.
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Refer to the spec: background and motivation
An article with code examples on the sort of problems CSS Grid aims to solve. By Rachel Andrews.
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CSS Prime Number Highlighting
A fun nth-child exercise for highlighting prime numbers by xieranmaya.
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A hacker stole $31M of Ether
A gripping article on how the second biggest heist in the history of digital currencies happened.
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CSS Grid Layout Slideshow
A slideshow where each slide has an individual CSS grid layout and a reveal effect when navigating.
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