Collective #324

Inspirational Website of the Week: Flavien Guilbaud
Some interesting animations and hover interactions made us choose Flavien Guilbaud's portfolio this week.
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Bring digital products to life faster, easier & cheaper with Sympli
Sympli is a platform that connects product development team members more effectively through plugins for design and development tools, seamless design hand-off, version control, visual diffs & more.
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Based on the crypto-js library, StatiCrypt uses AES-256 to encrypt a string on client side allowing to password protect static HTML pages.
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A crash course in memory management
The first article in a three part series on memory management by Lin Clark.
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Building Production-Ready CSS Grid Layouts Today
A practical guide by Morten Rand-Hendriksen on how to start using CSS Grid in production.
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Grid by Example: Grab & Go Patterns
A set of CSS Grid Layout patterns with fallbacks for older browsers. By Rachel Andrew.
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The Most Efficient Way to Use Icons If You're A Designer or Developer
An excellent article by Jon Moore on how to work with icons efficiently for both, designers and developers.
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ID3 is an Integrated Development Environment for D3.js.
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Handling Long and Unexpected Content in CSS
Some very useful tips on how to handle special content cases in CSS. By Ahmad Shadeed.
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Gerard Ferrandez created this mesmerizing demo.
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Free Font: Carre
Isra Safawi designed this unique looking font.
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Looper 2.0 Sketch Plugin
A Sketch plugin for duplicating, rotating and scaling drawings. By Sures Kumar.
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No No No
Julie Zhuo shows how important it is to be able to say "no" and how to do it in a fair way.
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Responsive Design in Sketch?—?Part 1
Emin Inanc Unlu shows how to use the updated group resizing feature in Sketch for responsive designs.
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Evrybo: Usability Testing
A service for analyzing user interactions in the design stage.
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Dairy Sketch UI Kit
A free Sketch UI kit for minimal app designs.
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Standard Ebooks
If you didn't know about this one yet: Standard Ebooks is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit project that produces lovingly formatted, open source, and free public domain ebooks.
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The Terrible Deep Learning List
15 working examples to get you started with Deep Learning without learning any of the math.
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A self-constructing web app framework powered by a self-driving DOM.
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Developers Who Use Spaces Make More Money Than Those Who Use Tabs
Some very interesting results of a Stack Overflow survey on tab vs. spaces.
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How we got 1,500 GitHub stars by mixing time-tested technology with a fresh UI
Roman Hotsiy writes about the release of the open source tool GraphQL Voyager and explains why it gained so much popularity.
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Results of the Ultimate CSS Survey 2017
Louis Lazaris presents the interesting results of this year's CSS survey.
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