Collective #316
Inspirational Website of the Week: 茶ッカソン
A very harmonic design with lovely reveal and loading effects. Our pick this week.
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A spiritual successor to TodoMVC: Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps.
Check it outAnnouncing JSON Feed
Manton Reece and Brent Simmons developed JSON Feed, a format similar to RSS and Atom but in JSON.
Read itLearning CSS Grids
A really nice intro to CSS Grid with lots of solid, usable examples. By Varun Vachhar.
Read itGuidelines for Building Software that Will Make People Hate You
Fun guidelines on how to build bad software. By Pedro Silva Moreira.
Read itWorkbox
JavaScript Libraries for Progressive Web Apps. By the Google Chrome team.
Check it outWord Counter
An online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time.
Check it outDynamic Icons in Sketch
Michael Spiegel shares a completely customizable icon editing solution for Sketch.
Read itDelaunator
A really fast JavaScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points.
Check it outFree Font: Miller Salt
Two vibrant fonts by Mellow Design Lab.
Get itSimplifying CSS Cubes with Custom Properties
Ana Tudor shows how to use the power of CSS variables for styling and manipulating a 3D cube.
Read itTinyreset
A super-tiny and modern CSS reset. By Shankar.
Check it outVector icon speed runs
Some very smart tricks and techniques for creating common icons.
Read itNon-linear interpolation in CSS
Mike Riethmuller shares a useful and practical mixin for fluid typography.
Check it outMaking a Neural Synthesizer Instrument
Jesse Engel introduces a playable set of neural synthesizer instruments.
Read itThe Quick, Draw! Dataset
The Quick Draw Dataset is a collection of 50 million drawings across 345 categories, contributed by players of the game Quick, Draw!.
Check it outCraft Prototype
Craft is a suite of plugins for prototyping directly inside Sketch. By InVision.
Check it outjson-api-normalizer: An Easy Way To Integrate The JSON API And Redux
Yury Dymov's experiences and practical recommendations on how to manage front-end application data.
Read itAnchor Physics
Simulation of anchor and chain physics as an example of Verlet integration, rendered on HTML5 Canvas. By Philip Jama.
Check it outRearchitecting Airbnb's Frontend
Adam Neary gives some great insight into the recent remake of the JavaScript side of Airbnb's codebase.
Read itPaperSizes
A reference for over 250 international standards for paper sizes, in metric and imperial units.
Check it outOUIGO - Let's play
A super-fun pinball game made for OUIGO by Merci-Michel.
Check it outFolder Preview Ideas
Some ideas for previewing or just playing with folders on hover. The idea is to show a little animation when hovering a folder icon and reveal some kind of preview for what's inside.
Check it out