Collective #279

Master web development with these 9,985 weird tricks
David Gilbertson has created and you won't be able to sleep until everything is marked as green!
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Product Disrupt
Darshan Gajara's beautifully designed list of resources that made him a Product Designer.
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A collection of free animated backgrounds that can be easily embedded.
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The Futures of Typography
Robin Rendle's super-interesting piece on the future of typography.
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TypedArray or DataView: Understanding byte order
Martin Splitt explains the underlying difference of byte order when accessing an ArrayBuffer

Above all: Set Expectations
A great article on how to work with an illustrator by Meg Robichaud. There's also a first part, read it it here.
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A command line interface that automatically generates a new GitHub Release and populates it with the changes (commits) made since the last release.
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Free Font: Unchained
A unique font family designed by Pavel Korzhenko for Pixel Buddha.
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How I Destroyed my Blog's Performance with CSS Background-Blend-Modes
An interesting article on the performance issues of background blend modes.
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Tate-Yoko Web Award
“Tate-Yoko Web Award” is an award given to those who are willing to challenge the web typography of the next generation by designing and utilizing new typesetting standards in the latest CSS codings.
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Build a Custom CMS for a Serverless Static Site Generator
Learn how to build a Static Site Generator with your own custom CMS without the need for a database. A tutorial by John Polacek.
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Standard Notes
A standard notes app with an un-standard focus on longevity, portability, and privacy.
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A Chrome extension for debugging SVG paths by converting them to outlines and displaying anchors, control points, handles and arc ellipses.
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A great place to find inspiration for beautiful iOS apps. Curated by Tobias Reich.
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Already older but a great resource: helps developers find new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones they depend upon.
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A repo with 100 daily small projects by Gabriel Wanzek.
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Animated Back Glow
A demo by George Hastings where he creates an animated glow with pseudo-element magic.
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RipVanWinkle.js — Returning to JavaScript After 5 Years
Danny Crichton's story of leaving the JavaScript community and wanting to be part of it like never before.
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Tiny Trends #1: Non-Rectangular Headers
Jon Moore's exciting collection of a beautiful trend.
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How to write a JavaScript package for both Node and the browser
A tutorial by Nolan Lawson on how to make a JavaScript package available for both, Node and browser.
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