Collective #274

Land Lines
Land Lines is a great Google Chrome experiment that lets you explore Google Earth satellite imagery through gesture.
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Rindle: Centralize Work From The Tools You Already Use
Powerful workflow automation for professionals. Rindle centralizes tasks from the apps you already use, so you can focus on the most important stuff. Your work! We integrate with Slack, Gmail, Trello, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and more.
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Animating scenes with WebGL + Three.js
A fantastic tutorial that will introduce you to the world of WebGL and Three.js and teach you how to create an interactive 3D Christmas tree. By Matt Agar.
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20 Years of CSS
On December 17, 1996, W3C published the first standard for CSS. And thus from December 17, 2016 until one year later, CSS is 20 years old.
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The Fake Nostalgia
This great project aims to collect beautiful websites from the time when web design still had soul.
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Practical Deep Learning For Coders's 7 week course "Practical Deep Learning For Coders, Part 1" taught by Jeremy Howard with 18 free lessons.
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The (Not So) Secret Powers Of The Mobile Browser
Stéphanie Walter explores the powers and potential of modern mobile browsers.
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Scaling Responsive Animations
Zach Saucier provides some very useful guidelines and techniques for scaling responsive animations
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Forms Need Validation
Andrew Coyle shows how to design inline validation and error handling in forms.
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Immersive Video Template
A super-cool nugget by Sebastiano Guerriero from CodyHouse: A full-screen video presentation, that is resized and animated to become the content of a mobile device.
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8 Interstellar Abstract Objects (TIFF)
Some spectacular abstract art coming straight from outer space. Designed by Micromove Creative Design for Pixel Buddha.
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Christmas Presents Typer
Steve Gardner's awesome demo where typed letters fall like Christmas presents.
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Memories from six years of open source.
Tim Holman's inspiring article on his open source experience.
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With Plumber you can create better looking documents and speed up CSS development by adding vertical rhythm to your page.
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Front-End Performance Checklist 2017 (PDF, Apple Pages)
A very practical checklist for better front-end performance by Vitaly Friedman.
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The truth about traditional JavaScript benchmarks
A very interesting, in-depth article by Benedikt Meurer on JavaScript benchmarks.
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3D card
Robin Delaporte's super-realistic and interactive 3D credit cards.
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Image Optimization
Estelle Weyl shows how to optimize images the smart way.
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Took me 5 years to do this font
What does it take to create a harmonious, great looking typeface? João Miranda gives us an idea.
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CSS Pokémon
Impressive CSS work by Luke Haas: super-cute polygonal Pokémon.
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Front-End Developers Are Information Architects Too
Francis Storr's interesting read on how front-end devs are also information architects.
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