Collective #192

Inspirational Website of the Week: Deux Huit Huit
Great typography with smooth effects and smart details made us pick Deux Huit Huit for this week's website inspiration.
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Creative Typography with SVG
An great presentation by Brenna O'Brian on SVG typography.
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This lightweight (2kb) plug-in will automatically turn your layered Apple TV PNGs into 3D parallax icons. Made by Drew Wilson.
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Segment is a small zero-dependency JavaScript library for drawing and animating SVG path strokes. Made by lmgonzalves.
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A tiny library for recreating Instagram filters with CSS filters and blend modes. Made by Una Kravets.
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Animated Intro Section
A collection of creative animated intro effects made by Claudia Romano from Cody House.
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SVG Path Builder
A great GUI for creating SVG paths quickly. Made by Anthony Dugois.
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Legofy is a python program that takes a static image or GIF and turns it into a LEGO like image. Made by Juan Potato.
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An in-browser musical experiment using p5.js and the p5.sound library.
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Introducing Shadow DOM API
Ryosuke Niwa introduces the Shadow DOM API for WebKit.
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Free Font: Plume
A lovely brush type made by Krisjanis Mezulis.
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Pigeon is an HTML preprocessor or template engine written in JavaScript. Made by Alex Suyun.
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Things To Avoid When Writing CSS
Heydon Pickering's suggestions on what to avoid when writing CSS.
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Office Icon Set
100 free Web and app UI icons made by Tyler Brooks.
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Free Font: Cansiparane
Mehmet Metin designed this very creative uppercase display typeface.
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A tool that can convert any image into a pure CSS "image" using only box shadows. Made by Javier Bórquez.
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A site that collects responsive navigation examples, demos, and tutorials from all over the web.
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Interactive Color Photo Highlight Effect In SVG
A cool interactive photo highlight effect made with SVG by Dudley Storey.
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React Cheat Sheet
A very useful filterable cheat sheet for React made by Michael Chan.
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ECMAScript 6 (ES6): What's New In The Next Version Of JavaScript
Lars Kappert provides a great overview of all the new features of ES6.
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Angled Edges with CSS Masks and Transforms
Jeremy Frank shows a smart way to create angled edges using CSS masks and transforms.
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