Collective #151

Inspirational Website of the Week: Aerolab
A perfect design with smooth animations and a smart usage of background effects—that's Aerolab, our pick this week.
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Content Filter
A beautifully designed and super-useful nugget from Sebastiano Guerriero: a slide-in filter panel powered by CSS and jQuery.
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Tint UI
A very useful color picker tool by João Piedade with all the famous UI colors in one place.
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What's new in CSS Selectors 4
Matt Mastracci shows what the potentially new CSS selectors are and what you can do with them.
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Slash: Bad Ass Display Font (TTF)
An interesting and strong font designed by Ronald Vermeijs for Pixel Buddha.
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Heavenly Glory
A fantastic demo by Michael Bromley that will bring out the Bruce Lee in you :)
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Font Pair
A great website by Mills Digital that will give you some excellent font pairing inspiration all using Google Web Fonts.
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Convert a raster image to a simplified SVG with this cool tool.
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Why AJAX Isn’t Enough
Alexander Gödde dives into the PubSub messaging pattern and explains what it is and when it's useful.
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Essential JavaScript Links
A curated list of resources for learning and working with JavaScript by Eric Elliott and friends.
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Design Break
DesignBreak will help you take a fruitful break from your work: play games, watch funny videos or browse through inspiring websites.
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Little, Big: Using CSS fit-content
Learn how fit-content can help you with responsive designs in this article by Dudley Storey.
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Auto-Hide Sticky Header
Osvaldas Valutis shows you how to create an auto-hide sticky header.
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A great platform by Lapwing Labs for finding an expert for your project or being the task hero of one.
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Awesome Remote Job
A list of awesome remote working resources curated by Lukasz Madon.
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What happens when...
An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?". Created by Alex Gaynor.
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Towards declarative touch interactions
Ralph Thomas outlines Slalom, a system with prototype implementation for concisely describing and implementing a class of touch interactions.
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Embed & play Tetris on your site. Made by aerolab, based on code by Peter Cole.
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Free Font: Refuge
Grant Beaudry designed this font that is great for hand-lettering projects.
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Software Library: MS-DOS Games
For all of you who grew up with these classics: careful, you might fall into a procrastination limbo with this awesome resource :)
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