Collective #140

Inspirational Website of the Week: Twofold Creative
A sharp design with some excellent effects and a great smoothness made us chose Twofold this week.
Get inspired is about finding the most badass leet words for your CSS hex colors.
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A digital replica of the classic Spirograph toy featured on Chrome Experiments. Written in TypeScript with D3.js by Nathan Friend.
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An easy way to animate SVG images consisting of line and path elements. Made by Connor Atherton.
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Happy Halloween
An SVG masking experiment inspired by CJ Gammon's portfolio grid hover effect.
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Animated SVG Icon
Learn how to optimize SVG code and animate an SVG icon using CSS and the Snap.svg library. A tutorial by Sebastiano Guerriero from CodyHouse.
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The Anti-hero of CSS Layout - "display:table"
Colin Toh writes about the despised table layout in CSS and how it can actually be useful.
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Designing for Large Screen Smartphones
Luke Wroblewski shows how mobile interactions can be made easy on our thumbs on large screen smartphones.
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Design Details: Inbox by Google
Brian Lovin explores some of the beautiful interactions in Google's Inbox.
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Howl's Moving Castle
Nathan Gordon's tribute to Studio Ghibli's Exhibition in Paris.
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The Easiest Way To Create Equal Height Sidebars
Martin Angelov will show you how to create an equal-height sidebar layout using Flexbox.
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Stock Up: Free stock photo search
Search the best free stock photo websites in one place.
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100+ Touch Gestures Icons (AI, EPS, CSH, PSD, PNG, SVG)
A great set of touch gesture icons made by Jeff Portaro for Pixel Buddha.
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Gather your vimrc snippets on this site and let others learn from your fu. Made by Florian Beer.
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Automating Your Web Workflow with Grunt.js
Thomas Dodson shows you how you can automatize your web workflow with Grunt.js.
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Web UI Design Best Practices
Learn the theory and practice of web UI design from industry leaders and top companies. A free e-book by UXPin.
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{Geek} Mental Help Week
Geek mental help week was a week-long series of articles, blog posts, conversations, podcasts and events across the web about mental health issues.
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Shape Blobbing in CSS
Discover how to make shapes blob into each other using this CSS trick by Chris Coyier.
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A cool Google Chrome experiment: motionEmotion is an emotion and gesture-based arpeggiator and synthesizer made by Karen Peng.
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Understanding React and reimplementing it from scratch Part 1: Views
Giulio Canti will help you understand React by reimplementing it.
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