Collective #131

Inspirational Website of the Week: Heck House
Bethany Heck's website is a celebration of excellent typography and colors. Our pick this week.
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Plain Pattern
A really cool project by Kenneth Cachia: an SVG-based seamless pattern maker.
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With Impulse you can easily create high-performance Physics animations optimized for mobile.
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jQuery FocusPoint
jQuery plugin for 'responsive cropping'. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Made by Jonathon Menz.
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JavaScript Memory Management Masterclass
Addy Osmani gives a master class on memory management in JavaScript. Check out his slides from Google WebPerf Special.
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Dark and Light Ui Kit (Sketch)
Mateusz Dembek gives us a perfectly designed dark and light UI kit in Sketch.
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Free Font: Bushcraft
A beautiful font face with 6 styles by Rachid Aitouaissi for PixelBuddha.
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How To Create a Double Exposure Effect in Photoshop
Chris Spooner shows how to create a beautiful double exposure effect in Photoshop.
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A Single Div
Check out what can be done with one single division and CSS. A CSS drawing project by Lynn Fisher.
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Native Responsive Images
Yoav Weiss tells the interesting story behind native responsive images in this Dev.Opera article
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Simply Toast
A useful, growl-like notifications plugin in jQuery by Eric Prieto.
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Real-time Gaming with Node.js + WebSocket on Google Cloud Platform
Learn how to build a real-time interactive game with the Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine.
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Implementing a "sketch" style of rendering in webGL
The team from Floored shows how to implement and render a "sketch" style in WebGL.
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How I Built The One Page Scroll Plugin
Pete Rojwongsuriya shares how he implemented the One Page Scroll plugin in this insightful Smashing Magazine article.
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Musicons (PSD)
A lovely set of 24 music-related icons by Mantas Sutkus for Freebiesbug.
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UI Animation in Photoshop
Learn how to create UI animations in Photoshop in this tutorial by Taylor Ling.
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Material Design exploration: NBA scores
Francis Cortez applies Google's "Material Design" language to a concept NBA app.
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The Colors Of Motion
A creative site designed and developed by Charlie Clark exploring the use of color in movies.
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See yourself reflected in a psychedelic world. A interesting project by Adam Ferriss.
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Anatomy of a touch interaction: Swipe to peep
Interaction designer Mark Szulyovszky analyzes the "swipe to peep" interaction concept and implements a prototype.
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