Collective #101
Inspirational Website of the Week: soppo

The website of Soppo, an interactive production studio, is filled with creativity and fluid effects. Our pick this week!
Get inspiredImage Lightbox, Responsive and Touch-friendly

ImageLightbox.js is a minimlistic, responsive and touch-friendly image lightbox implementation by the talented Osvaldas Valutis.
Check it outCustom Elements

Custom Elements is a fantastic collection of web components for modern web apps.
Check it outFree Font: Hitchhiker

Slava Krivonosov designed this creative and playful typeface inspired by Jack Kerouac's novel "On the road".
Get itTempo.

See some great dance moves by this futuristic dancer on Tempo. Made Vince Mckelvie.
Check it outWorking with quota on mobile browsers

Eiji Kitamura will teach you some really useful stuff on browser storage in this great HTML5 Rocks article.
Read itA Pattern Apart

Another great pattern library got published: A List Apart's pattern library.
Check it outCSS Regions Matter

CSS Regions were a promising new CSS feature but unfortunately they are facing a grim future as some doubts have risen on their performance and implementation in Blink and their usefulness. Read about why CSS Regions do matter in this great article by Sara Soueidan.
Read itOptimize CSS delivery

Is your beautifully written CSS killing the performance of web pages? Learn how to optimize CSS delivery from this insightful article by Patrick Sexton over at
Check it outFree Font: Blenda

A beautiful experimental typface by Seniors Studio. The bold weight is for free.
Get itPragmatic UX Techniques For Smarter Websites

An excellent article by Marko Dugonjić on user experience techniques for startups, in-house teams, big corporations and anyone who wants to improve their website, product or service.

Hassle-free peer-to-peer video conversations with up to 8 people for free.
Check it outApple Store

A beautiful, unofficial redesign of the Apple store by Amber.
Check it outoimo.js

Oimo.js is light-weight 3D physics engine for JavaScript developed by Laurent Thillet.
Check it outThe Markdown Mark

Dustin Curtis designed a universal symbol for identifying Markdown support.
Check it outFree Font: TYPOLY

Geometry meets typography with this interesting type experiment by Kreaktive.
Get itAngularJS Form Validation

Chris Sevilleja will show you how to do form validation with Angular in this in-depth tutorial.
Check it outList of minimalist frameworks

A useful collection of frameworks started by Edinei Cavalcanti.
Check it outMy Grid System

If you don't fancy grid systems for your project, then you might find this simple but effective approach by Sam Soffes very useful.
Read itBring Me The Head Of Tim Berners-Lee

A rational and important conversation with Robin Berjon about EME, DRM, the MPAA, and the W3C in episode of "The Big Web Show" hosted by Jeffrey Zeldman.
Listen to itFree Mobile Device Mockups (AI, EPS)

A fantastic free Illustrator template and OmniGraffle stencil of mobile devices by UX Kits.
Get it