Split Layout
In Blueprints,
A template for a split layout with two sides. When clicking on a half in the initial view, the layout moves into the respective direction with some transition effects.
In Blueprints,
A template for a split layout with two sides. When clicking on a half in the initial view, the layout moves into the respective direction with some transition effects.
In Playground,
There are many parts of a website where we can apply nice transitions to make things more interesting. Images are certainly great entities for playing with fancy effects and today we’d like to show you some inspiration for thumbnail effects using CSS animations.
In Playground,
By animating an SVG path with JavaScript, we can do many fancy things. Today we want to show you some effects for checkboxes and radio buttons. The idea is to hide the inputs, use pseudo-elements to create a more appealing style and then animate the SVG paths once an input is selected.
In Playground,
A collection of separator styles for horizontally dividing sections on a website. The dividers are created using several techniques, including styling pseudo-elements, using gradients and inserting SVG graphics with responsiveness in mind.
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to create a off-canvas icon navigation with an animated border effect. The menu effect is inspired by CreativeDash’s bounce menu for mobile apps.
In Playground,
Some ideas and inspiration for loading effects on a website.
In Playground,
A slider-like layout where the neighboring sections are positioned horizontally next to each other.
In Playground,
Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.
In Playground,
An experimental push menu with multi-level functionality that allows endless nesting of navigation elements.
In Playground,
An inspirational collection of experimental link effects mostly using transitions on pseudo-elements.
In Playground,
A fancy 3D effect for a mobile app showcase where the app screens animate to a layered stack.
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to re-create the slide out sidebar menu that can be seen on the Google Nexus 7 website.
In Blueprints,
An on scroll effect template that animates the sides of sections once they are in the viewport.
In Playground,
Some inspiration for headers that animate when scrolling the page.
In Tutorials,
A little journey into positioning header elements to be centered vertically and justified with the help of pseudo-elements.
In Tutorials,
A tutorial on how to (ab)use custom data attributes and pseudo-elements for creating image captions.
In Playground,
Some inspiration for loading effects of grid items using CSS animations.
In Blueprints,
A responsive grid of anchors with icons, text and some example hover transitions.