Collective #698
Inspirational Website of the Week: Sizzer
So sexy, so smooth and so bold! The website of Sizzer stands out with a supercool design and lots of engaging details.
Get inspiredCreating Generative SVG Grids
Learn how to create colorful, generative grid designs with JavaScript and SVG!
Read itAspect Ratio is Great
An article by Michelle Barker on the CSS aspect-ratio property and how useful it is.
Read itHow to Favicon in 2022
Andrey Sitnik's article on modern favicon usage with six files that fit most needs.
Read itHow does !important actually work? (It's not what you think!)
Una Kravets explains how CSS !important does more than just increase the important of a style rule.
Watch itReplace JavaScript Dialogs With New HTML Dialog
Mads Stoumann explains how to replace JavaScript dialogs with the HTML dialog element with the same functionality as the alert(), confirm(), and prompt() methods.
Read itStylo
Stylo is an open source WYSIWYG interactive editor for JavaScript with no dependencies.
Check it outCSSUI
CSSUI is a collection of interactive user interface components realized in pure CSS.
Check it outPHP: The Right Way
An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative PHP tutorials around the Web.
Check it outBuilding an adaptive favicon
A foundational overview of how to build an adaptive favicon. By Adam Argyle.
Read itMemes
Have a laugh at the ridiculousness of design culture with these well designed memes.
Check it outErosion
A fantastic demo made by Toshiya Marukubo
Check it outThe Complicated Futility of WordPress
Dan Devine's interesting insights on why his team is saying 'goodbye' to WordPress as it moves to "full site editing".
Read itFluid type sizes and spacing
Piper Haywood shares a fluid type and spacing system she used in her recent projects.
Read itMailwind
Want to use Tailwind CSS to design HTML emails? Mailwind makes it possible.
Check it outBuilding like it's 1984: A comprehensive guide to creating intuitive context menus
An article on the basics, as well as some more advanced interactions, for building seamless context menus. By Michael Villar.
Game reviews to help you find good games that don't trick you into addictive gaming patterns.
Check it outInside the JavaScript Engine
Learn about the JavaScript engine, what it does and how it works in this article by Aditya Yaduvanshi.
Read itRobin Payot
A wonderful portfolio and WebGL experience by creative developer Robin Payot.
Check it outHibiki HTML
Create modern, dynamic, frontend applications without scaffolding or setting up a JavaScript stack.
Check it outClock
A super awesome clock demo made by saharan.
Check it outGarden Eight
The amazing redesign of Garden Eight's website is a great source of inspiration.
Check it out